♡ Chapter 60

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Chapter 60

The guard came back, slightly out of breath and his eyes holding guarded nervousness. "The entry had been denied," he declared, looking back and forth between my father and the army behind us.

My father's lips twitched in annoyance, and he answered coolly, "We are not requesting the entry, we ask you to announce it." The guards looked at each other hesitantly. I glanced at my father unsurely. Maybe forcing the entry wouldn't be the best idea if we wanted their favor upon us.

It was then that an idea came to me, "Father, why don't you let me try something?", I asked, smirking a little.

He looked at me with an eyebrow raised, "What do you have in mind?"

I leaned slightly closer to him and explained quietly, "Let me use the excuse of being a tired lady after a long journey to come inside, and then coax them into letting the horses and the riders rest, as well as the officials. You will be allowed inside that way, without using force."

He looked at skeptically, "Have you used that sort of excuse before? You seem quite accustomed to it."

I suppressed my smirk, "Too many times. But it works."

"Well then, go ahead. But remember, pay attention to your words. I don't want them to hold anything against you," he said, giving me a concerned look.

"You don't have to worry, father. I've been in many sticky situations before. And just in case," I lowered my voice even more, "I can use the sword."

"Very well," he nodded sharply, "We will be waiting at the west lodge, since it's the nearest from here. I know there are a few people on our side in the palace, so you have a good chance to succeed. I trust you to make the right decisions, alright?"

"Yes, father. I won't disappoint you. I'll send you someone when I've managed to find a way to let you in."

"Alright, little daughter. Good luck," he gave me an encouraging look.

"Thanks, father. Until then," I gave him slight smile and gently patted his arm, before recomposing my face to that of an exhausted lady, with a hint of superiority. I advanced in slow careful steps to the front door with no intention of stopping.

When I passed the guards, I told them with my chin held high, "Good afternoon, guards, my name is Annabelle of Ravenport, and as you can guess, I am returning to my childhood home. I am headed to the guests' quarters. I will be resting for the rest of the day, so please make sure that no one disturbs me."

They exchanged an incredulous look at my name, confirming their previous suspicion about my identity. One of them made a move to stop me with his halberd, but faltered when he saw the look I shot him, "Would you really dare? To a harmless exhausted lady?"

"But... the sword..."

"Do you really think I can handle it? A lady is not supposed to learn the art of fighting, if I may inform you."

"You're carrying it. We can't let you enter," the other guard said firmly when he regained a bit of confidence.

"I'm carrying it because it's safer this way. It's a very prized possession owned by my lineage for a very long time," I replied easily.

"But...", the first guard trailed off, but came up short of arguments.

"Well, I'm going. If you get into trouble for this, don't hesitate to blame me," I told them seriously. They nodded hesitantly, and I stepped inside, careful to keep the triumphant smile off my face.

Looking around the lobby and the first grand staircase, my mind was suddenly flooded with memories of my childhood, and I felt a lump in my throat as soon as my eyes landed on the big painting of my mother hanging on the decorated wall, that I was surprised hadn't been taken down. My father's painting on the other hand, which was normally hung on the opposite side of the room had been replaced by an empty place on the wall. I suppose my mother had been adored by everyone, then. Or maybe it had rather something to do with the fact that my father was still alive.

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