♡ Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

"Anna!", Elisa called me after lunch, making me face her, "Would you chaperone me this afternoon, please? John asked me for a walk in the park, and I didn't want to refuse."

I hesitated. I would have to train on the pianoforte during the late afternoon then. "Alright, I'll come," I answered her with a shrug and a smile.

"Thank you!", she exclaimed, and eagerly took my hand, dragging me through the hallway towards the garden. As we turned around the corner, we nearly bumped into someone, making my mind a bit dizzy at such an abrupt stop.

"Where are you two rushing to?", Thomas' curious voice snapped me out of momentary shock.

"Oh... Um... well...", Elisa fumbled with her hands, clearly not wanting to answer. She looked at me pleadingly to cover up for an answer.

"Um... We were just going on a walk in the parc," I said, not managing to come up with anything better in such a short time.

He narrowed his eyes at our reaction, clearly suspicious. "A walk in the parc?", he repeated slowly.

"Yes, you know... just for a little fun...", Elisa continued, shuffling her feet.

Thomas looked at her blankly. "...You know what, I'll come with you."

Elisa blushed slightly and mumbled nervously, "There's really no need...", she faltered after seeing Thomas' stern look.

She sighed, pulling me at my hand when she started walking, "Let's go then."

When we reached the garden, Elisa let go of my hand and looked around for Johnathan.

"Are we waiting for someone?", Thomas asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Well... yes.", I replied, giving him an embarrassed smile.

He frowned. "Who?"

"Hello Princess Elisa.", I heard John's voice not far away from us. I turned around to see that Elisa had distanced herself a bit from us and she replied excitedly as she walked up to him, "Hi John!"

John bowed when he met her halfway and kissed her hand, making Elisa smile at the gesture. I saw Thomas pursing his lips, while eyeing the two of them. John hadn't noticed us yet, so I took a few steps to greet him as well. When Thomas moved closer to give him a critical look, his eyes widened a bit, before he bowed while uttering "Your Highness" confusedly.

Thomas nodded at him, greeting him with a "Lord Johnathan," before eyeing Elisa. "A little fun, you said, huh?"

"Just a walk in the parc, Tommy! And Anna was going to chaperone me," Elisa added hastily.

"Well, if that's so, I'll come with Anna, and you're going to chaperone each other," Thomas said diplomatically.

Elisa and I shared a glance, before she sighed defeated, "Let's do that then."

Elisa took John's hand to start walking towards the parc, while beginning to chatter with him quietly. Thomas narrowed his eyes at the informal gesture, but decided to stay silent.

We followed them to the parc and Thomas was still staring at the couple in front of us suspiciously. I looked at him amused. "Don't you trust me to chaperone Elisa?"

He glanced at me, before returning his gaze to the youngest Rutherford. "It's not you that I don't trust, it's him," he muttered tensely.

I raised my eyebrows at him, "You know I wouldn't let anything happen."

"I know...", he trailed off, and continued under my inquiring gaze, "But you can be quite... lenient."

I smirked teasingly, raising an eyebrow at him, "So, you don't trust me with you sister's honor."

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