Molly Dixon

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Here's the information on Molly Dixon.


Age: 56

Family: Cynthia Dixon (daughter), Merle Dixon (son), Daryl Dixon (son), Will Dixon (husband)+, Rose Dixon (granddaughter), Karen Dixon (granddaughter), Judith Dixon (granddaughter), Chris Dixon (grandson)

Personality- Kind, Selfless, Calm at times, Insane at times, Brave, Fearless, Short-Tempered, Motherly, Stern, Overprotective

Likes- Her grandchildren, Her children, Kicking anyone who breaks her daughter's heart ass, Rick (at times), Her shotgun, taking her anger out on Lori and Shane, Carl (at times), burning Lori's clothes, scaring off Merle's friends, protecting her family, talking shit about her husband

Dislikes-Shane, Lori, Rick (at times), Carl (at times), T-Dog, Andrea, Merle being handcuffed, Merle getting arrested, her gun being taken from her, Her grandchildren playing with Carl, Carol Peletier, her husband, Ed Peletier, Anderson family, Monroe family, Dawn Lerner, Tara Chambler, people trying to take her gun from her, Negan, Saviors, Gregory, Dwight, Simon, Whispers, Alpha, Beta, Michonne, Merle's friends, people getting into her and her family's business, being called crazy old lady, being called insane asylum, psychiatric hospital

Hair Color- Gray

Eye Color- Blue

Skin Color- Light

Portrayed by- Jamie Lee Curtis

Molly Dixon is the wife of Will Dixon and the mother of Merle, Daryl and Cynthia Dixon. She is also the grandmother of Cynthia's four children, Karen, Rose, Chris, and Judith. Molly married Will Dixon in 1960 after becoming pregnant with her eldest son Merle. 5 years after the birth of her son Daryl 8 years later Molly became pregnant with a girl named Cynthia who Will try to sell to a rich couple before Molly got her daughter back. When Cynthia was 4, Daryl 12, and Merle 18 Will beat their children to a point where Daryl was almost killed by the beating driving Molly to the point where she used moonshine and oil to burn the cabin they lived in to the ground becoming insane in the progress. Living in a run down apartment with her children she bought a shotgun that she named Betsy. By the time Cynthia was 20 and met the first love of her life Rick Grimes, Molly knew there was something Rick was hiding but didn't want to ruin her daughter's chance of happiness. By the time her first granddaughter was born she became an excited grandmother and drove down to the hospital to meet her. When her daughter was pregnant with Judith she received a call from her daughter about Rick being married and being used by him. Angered by this, Molly wanted to find Rick and kick his ass for all the lies he told her daughter. It was only around the time Judith was born that Molly blindsided Rick in sole custody of his and Cynthia's children over to her daughter. Winning the sole custody battle Rick never saw his children again and lived with his wife and other son. By the time she was 56 years old, the zombie apocalypse broke out and she and her family went to Atlanta, Georgia for safety only to meet Lori and Carl Grimes for the first time and then meeting Rick Grimes again.

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