🐾 Two

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Shauntell Brewster

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Shauntell Brewster

Decided to stepped out and go have fun since being stuck in the house with nun to do, I haven't touched the money that Kentrell gave me because I really don't want it fr. Haven't heard him since he took me home I was hoping he'll come back but he never did smh but it is what it is. I don't want to be with nobody who associate with my brother anyway.

"Who is that?"I heard soon as I walked in the party I was invited to, all eyes was on me when somebody grabbed my hand and took me to the table with everybody. I seen Kentrell just sitting back looking faded with his gang, he didn't noticed me and and I was sitting next to him. "Aye who is you?"Some female asked with an attitude she was around a group of girls, I hate it.

"Shauntell is the name and you are?"She thought I got smart and threw her drink towards me but she miss me by a inch but the drink wasted on Kentrell. He got up and went crazy he wanted to fight and everything.... The girl who threw the drink was trying to plead her case saying she was trying to throw it at me and they started clowning her ass. Kentrell held my hand and took me with him and his crew to his house where we just chill and listen to music. I was shocked to see Telee over here, Kentrell had introduced me to her as his sister not knowing we already know each other.

"Shauntell,"that was all she said before rolling her eyes and walked away. Ben told her to stop walking while Kentrell laid his head on my shoulder with his legs up. "Is y'all together Kentrell?"

"Yes....No we not together."I cut him off and he look at me before sitting up straight. Some brown skinned girl came over kissing Kentrell and sat in his lap like it wasn't nothing then she spotted me sitting right next to her nigga so I scoot over because I didn't want to fight no bitch over a nigga who I don't want at all and my anger is terrible.

"Why you was sitting next to my nigga then? Stay away from him."I started laughing because who tf she talking to like that tho, she'll get snatched up real quick. Might have to do her like I did to Telee but I'm be cool for now.

"I smelled some insecurities you really need to get that checked out, seem like you don't trust your own nigga around females."She looked over at Kentrell and got comfortable in his lap and laying her head down on his chest. Telee smacked her lips and taking up for Jaz then she had pushed me. KD big ear ass was over by the kitchen recording wanting to see a fight but 3Three wasn't letting it happen because he told Telee to get away from me. Ben told both of us to sit down and talk about why we're not friends, I didn't wanted to be here anymore I wanted to go home but that ain't happening.

"We was friends well more like sisters til she didn't wanted to be around because I started hanging out with some new friends...."

"Say that lie again Telee and watch and see what it going to happen. You turned fake, leaving me at some random party by myself while you left out with some new friends you just met. Ion know where you from but where I’m from we don’t do shit like that, that's why I beat your ass the next day."Kentrell sat up and look at his sister shaking his head, he had pulled me down on the couch then he wrapped his arms around me but I stood up because tf he think he's doing when his girl is around. Jaz had gave me a look like she warning me or something then she told Kentrell to not let me come back over again.

"Chill tf out, if I want her to come back over she's coming over, stop being insecure Jazmine."

"If I'm insecure then you made me this way Kentrell,"she got off of his lap. "You had a whole baby on me and thought I'll be okay with that, boy fuck you."Ben and KD started laughing then Baby Joe and Boomer did the same. I think the most mature person is 3Three, he so laid back and chill.

"You must be okay with it if you still back under my bro...."Jaz cut Kd off rolling her eyes then sat down on the far end of the couch. Kentrell kept trying to pulled me down on his lap because he wanted to get comfortable but I wasn't letting that happen.

"He about to have another one on your dumb ass, he's not really feeling you fr." Ben told her then look over at me and Kentrell, he made me sit down on his lap and wrapped his arms tight around my waist. Jaz threw her shoe in my direction and hit me in the head I wanted so bad to run up and beat her ass but Kentrell wasn't letting me go. Telee left to go home with her baby after making it clear that she don't give a fuck about me being stranded or not, Kentrell told her off and they started arguing, it was a mess. I was about to get ready to called an uber to take me home when my brother walked in the house, Kairi ran over in my arms with a face full of tears not letting me go. All I could do was embraced her in my arms and picked her up, I miss my Kairi baby so much.

"Tete can I spend the night with you?"She asked lifting her head up, wiping the tears from her eyes with my padded thumb.

"Shauntell,"Dave said then went over by the gang clapping hands with them then sat down getting the baby outta the car seat, she was so adorable. "YB you ready to hit the studio?"Kentrell didn't like how my brother just ignored me after saying my name so he spoke up about it, knowing him he doesn't hold back or bite his tongue for nobody. Jaz smacked her lips like she had a problem with him standing up for me but she didn't say anything, she was staring at Dave extra hard like she wanna fuck him. If Millie seen her staring at her man she'll snapped and ready to kill her so Jaz might wanna play her cards right cause I know she don't wanna be zip up in a body bag.

"What's her name East?"I asked with a little attitude in my voice, when he was about to respond Kairi told me her name is Kobi Chanai like her name then she picked up her sister and let get her. I held Kobi for a good five minute before Dave took her from me smh.

"Damn man she can't hold her niece, you coldblooded smh."Ben said shaking his head coming to sit next to me rubbing my shoulders, I just got up and stormed out of the house and started walking with tears in my eyes. How can he still act like that towards me tho, thought he really change and forgave me for my actions but I guess not.

"Get in the car Shauntell, I'm not letting you walk all the way home."Kentrell said out the window, wiping the tears from my eyes and got in and reclined my seat back. I was ready to take off this outfit and soaked my body in the bath water this day wasn't all that. "East got what he deserve after you stormed out, you don't deserve to be treated like that. I'm here for you though, call me when you need anything."That made me smile but then it vanished, since my mama died and my dad went off to do drugs East was the only one I had left as a family, he was like a father figure to me since he was older. We used to have a tight bond together but all that change, he gotten tired of my attitude and started choosing his wife before me. That's why I don't like Millie because she broke up our bond with each other, I want my brother back.

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