🐾 One

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"Aye you alright over there?"I looked up at some dude with dents in his head then I look back down at my fingernails, he probably thinks I'm homeless by the way I'm looking but idgaf

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"Aye you alright over there?"I looked up at some dude with dents in his head then I look back down at my fingernails, he probably thinks I'm homeless by the way I'm looking but idgaf. Since me and my brother East got into it because I wouldn't follow his rules he dropped me like a bad habit. He stopped talking to me after telling me that I was worthless and that I wouldn't be nobody and ain't no nigga going to wanna deal with me but I don't give zero fucks. I had a best friend. I wish she didn't turn sour because we use to have so much fun together. I really felt like that was my sister from another mother. That shit still be fucking with me because I never had someone around me everyday and just switch up because of a disagreement. "What's your name?"I walked out ta the store after paying for my stuff because why tf mfs won't leave me alone. Had a car but my brother took it away since he bought it, he literally took everything. But its cool I have some money that I saved up when I used to work with my ex friend.

Turning around because this same dude won't stopped talking to me, decided to just tell him my name since that's what he wanted.

"Shauntell,"he cut me off and brought me in a hug because some other person was staring me down before walking in the store.

"Come on I know your brother East,"I shake my head no and started walking up the street because I don't wanna see my brother like this I want him to see me level up and on my shit first like remember when you said I was worthless and won't be shit now look at me now. I decided to get in the car and gave him directions to my apartment. "You can call me YB shawty...."

"Nah fuck that what's your real name?"I don't know what tf he thought, I'm not calling no grown ass nigga YB fuck outta here with that.

"Kentrell,"he laughed making a stop in front of my apartment. I was going to get out but then he gave me a stack of money and told me to go get myself together starting with my hair first then my outfit. He put his number in my phone then call his phone before letting me get out finally, soon as I got inside my apartment I went to get ready for the shower when I ran across the friendship bracelet that was on the bed. Telee and Shauntell forever was written across, rolling my eyes and tossed it in the trash... Everything don't last forever.

DaveEast: Look up Kobi 😭 say cheese 😍 Me and my girls I'm beyond blessed

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DaveEast: Look up Kobi 😭 say cheese 😍 Me and my girls I'm beyond blessed... Kobi Chanai and Kairi Chanel 🥰😘

"Daddy can we go see Tete Shauntell please?" Kairi been begging me to see her since I stopped fucking with her and I been trying to keep her mind from bringing up her name but shit its hard. If only that sister would do what tf I tell her and follow the rules she would still be here but that attitude is dangerous. I didn't mean to say all them hurtful shit but I was mad, of course I want her to prosper in life and be somebody in this fucked up world. "Daddy!"

"I don't know Tete number, and I don't know where she's staying at."That was the truth, Shauntell changed her number and took off somewhere, she blocked me off every social media and everything so I can't reached her. Kairi started crying with a face full of tears she really love her some Shauntell so hopefully she come back around. I went to opened the door for YB making Kairi stopped crying and ran in his arms, YB been the God dad since she was first born he always getting her every time he got his sons, Draco and Tay Tay. Shauntell haven't met him because she claimed that she didn't wanted to meet none of my friends, do whenever I tell her that they on the way she'll hurry up and leave. "That little girl been crying her eyes because she want Tete Shauntell but I can't reached her."YB stopped playing with Kairi then he told her to go play in the next room before looking my way.

"I seen her earlier I took her home since she was walking, got her number too but I don't know if I should pass the information to you because she made it clear that she don't want shit to do with you."Laughing because she hold grudges, once you make her mad or do her wrong she'll stopped fucking with you for life it doesn't matter if its blood or not.

"Ain't you still fucking with that one girl Jaz? You better hope she don't find out that you kicking it with my sister."He smacked his lips then took out his phone because the gang was blowing him up wondering where he's at. Jaz is his girl that wants a baby and a ring but ion think YB ready to go and do shit like that especially with her.

"Man fuck her bitch I'm a head out,"Soon as he said that Kairi started crying to go with him. "I'll take her if its cool with you East."I nodded my head and went to get her bag with about two outfits, she had the biggest smiles on her face. When they left Millie which is my baby mama and wife walked in the house giving me a kiss then she took Kobi outta my arms she was looking around for Kairi because she would've ran in her mama's arms. I told her that Kairi just left out with YB.

"You heard from your sister? I seen her, you should see if anybody know her because she looking bad out here."Millie went on telling me that she look kinda homeless with her hair all over her head, Nadi don't like her because she thinks that I'm treating Millie better than her when I'm treating them equal. Hopefully my sister good out here I don't wanna wish nun bad on her, Shauntell know how to handle herself she's a Brewster.

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