Chapter 14: Spill It

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Joo-hyun's POV

I stretched my arms as soon as I wake up. 'Another day, another life'. I rubbed my eyes trying to see clearly, I mean what's the point right? It's  still the same four walls and I'm stuck here waiting for death, well not until Lisa came. That girl, that stubborn girl. Speaking of that girl, where is she? Oh yeah. Parents

My thoughts was interrupted when my little sister entered my room

"Good morning sissy" she greeted me with a wide smile, carrying a tray with a food on it

"Uh... Why are you here?"

"Good morning to you too. I brought you breakfast" she went to my side and placed the mini table and tray on my lap

"I can see that, but why are you here? Don't you have work?" I asked confused

"Sister-in-law called me yesterday saying that she'll have night shift and she can't accompany you in the morning... "

"Yes, and?"

"Well she asked me to accompany you so you won't be bored and I brought books too"

"Really, she asked you to do that?"

"Yep. Oh I nearly forgot the fruits" she stood up and went to the door "Be right back. Eat your food before it gets cold" she then left

Suzy entered the room struggling carrying 3 baskets of fruits. "Ugh. That was heavy, who needs gym when you have 3 basket of fruits" she chuckled at her remarks

"What's with all this?" I asked my brows knitted as I stare at the baskets

"Lisa dropped them off this morning" she said as she arrange the baskets properly

"She went here?"

"Yes, but you were asleep so she didn't wake you up"

I sulked when I heared what Suzy said. She should have waked me up

"Are you sulking?"

"No I'm not" I defended

"OMG, YOU MISS HER ALREADY" she gasped and covered her mouth with her hands

I avoided eye contact when she stared at me. Damn it, she'll see through when I lie

"You know what, I'll call her for you" she took her phone out and dialed a number

"Hey, it's me Suzy" I looked at Suzy shock evident on my face. 'No' 'Stop' 'I'll kill you' I mouthed at her

"Oh yeah" she said as she nodded "Someone her misses you. I'll hand her the phone now" she handed me the phone and mouthed 'Thank me later' she then sat on the couch and opened some magazines she brought

"Heyyyyyyy" I awkwardly said

"Hey, how are you?"

"I'm goooood, real goooooood"


"Uhm... Yessss. Yes, I ammm"

"Then why do you speak like that?" She asked and chuckled

"Speak likeee, whatttt?"

"You speak with extra letters on some words you say, like 'thissssssss'"

My mouth hanged open, I didn't know how to reply with that so I just went silent.

"Hello, are you still there?" she asked

"Yeahhhhhh. I mean, yeah"

"Okay hahaha. I'll see you later then"

"Hurry up" I covered my mouth when I heared myself say it. Those words are supposed to stay in my mind, why did I say it out loud?!

She laughed real loud that made me mentally slap myself.

"I'll try my best Hyun. I'll see you later"

"See you later. Bye"

"Love you"

"I love myself too" I hang up the phone call immediately and I heared my sister clap slowly

"Real smooth Bae Joo-hyun, real smooth" she snickered then went back to reading her magazine

I stood up and sat on the sofa near the window. It's raining, I love rain. I stared outside the window just drowning myself with some thoughts I have in my mind. Like 'how long will I be stuck here' 'Maybe I'll die first before the heart arrives' 'Who'd be my donor' '' Does he/she have family?' 'I don't want to die yet, I have plans' 'Is Lisa's parents nice?' 'Would they like me' I groaned and pulled my hair. "Ughhh I'm going crazy" I said outloud

"Yes, you are" My sister replied

"I'm bored" I said and pouted

"You just miss someone" she then handed me a book "Here, travel to another world"

"You're weird"

"You're weirder" she replied and went back on reading

Someone knocked on the door that made Suzy and I stop from reading and look at the door. The door opened and it revealed Doc Wendy

"Hi, Good afternoon" Doc Wendy greeted

"Good afternoon Doc" Suzy and I said in unison

"How are you feeling Miss Bae?" she asked

"I'm good, just... bored"

"I see" she pursed her lips and turned to my sister "I have something to discuss to you"

"Yeah, sure" Suzy replied and stood up and looked at me "I'll be back sissy" I nodded and they both went out the door

Their discussion went for atleast 5 minutes. I can hear them inside the room but their conversation is inaudible. The door opened revealing the both of them looking estatic

"You guys okay?" I asked and they both looked at each other

"We'll break the news to you Miss Bae" Doc Wendy said and smiled widely, she turned to Suzy and asked "Do you want to say it Miss Suzy?" Suzy nodded like an excited kid

Suzy inhaled and exhaled deeply and looked at me

"Spill it" I said impatiently

Tears formed on her eyes and she wiped it "You'll have a heart now. And it's on its the way here"

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