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Arriving exactly on the hour Hawkins reappeared. He did nothing to hide his disappointment when he saw the young woman was all dressed and waiting. Liz had pulled her hair out from her braid and deliberately placed it over both shoulders to provide her with a bit of modesty. Slowly Hawkins opened the cell as Liz could hear her heart pounding in her ears. She knew that she still had stuck within her boot the dagger that the Captain had given to her for protection. She didn't want to show the blade tonight unless it was absolutely necessary. She would rather keep hold of her only weapon for as long as she could.

Hawkins didn't say a word towards Liz as she walked behind him silently as he lead her towards the Captain's quarters. Liz hid her shaking hands by holding onto the fabric of the dress. The men had reluctantly told her what kind of man Jennings was while they had been waiting for Hawkins to return. She wanted to know what she was walking into with eyes wide open. She was walking into the lion's den and she wanted to mentally prepare. Stopping in front of the door Hawkin's knocked four times before he turned and left.

Letting out a slow breath and pushing her shoulders back, Liz refused to let Jennings smell the fear that she felt deep down. Hearing an annoyed enter, Liz ducked her head as she entered the private room. Hawkin's locked it shut behind her; she wasn't going to be able to leave in a hurry that was clear.

There was a long large table in the centre of the room covered in food. There were different kinds of meats, cooked and cold, Liz could swear she saw venison, roasted pork, ham and turkey. There was a large board of cheese, golden potatoes, a variety of different fruits (blackberries, grapes, apples and oranges. Everything of different colours) in separate bowls, fresh bread, sweets, a large tall cake and golden crockery shimmering in the candlelight. The smell was divine. Liz's mouth was threatening to overflow with saliva. She was starving and the display of food before her was a feast befit for a king.

In the corner of her eye she could see a large black-framed bed, it's sheets all crushed and wrinkled from the Captain never making his bed. Snapping her eyes forward she refused to let Jennings's see her assess his room, just in case he got the wrong idea when she peaked at his bed. There were candles everywhere giving the room a soft glow. If Liz didn't know any better she would have thought the Captain was trying to be romantic. Fat chance, she snorted.

Stepping out from the shadows Captain Jennings was lavishly overdressed in clothes that were obviously not his. His purple and golden coloured vest clashed with the green overcoat he wore. Adjourned on his hands were several rings that clacked together when he moved his hands. He wore a powdered wig that was discoloured and in desperate need of a brush.

"Your majesty." He gave a lavish exaggerated bow towards Liz as she instinctively raised an eyebrow. The man before her made her skin crawl and her stomach summersault in unease. You know your gut reaction when you know you need to get away from a person or situation. Her body was screaming for her to flee but she knew she couldn't. She was stuck here in this room and there was nothing she could do about it.

"Captain." She answered, dropping into a small curtsey out of respect. Play the game, she kept chanting in her head. That was the only way this evening was going to be pleasant. Jennings pulled out a chair as Liz slowly stepped towards the table and sat down in the seat. He kindly pushed it in for her before his rough callous fingers brushed 'accidentally' across her shoulders. Stiffening from his touch, Jennings didn't notice her physically recoil from his touch, as he took his own seat to her right.

"Rum?" He offered her with a sweet grin as he held up a bottle, uncorking it with his teeth.

"I don't drink." The words were stiff coming from her lips as he took a swig straight from the bottle.

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