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Gingerly knocking on the door to his cabin, Liz wondered in the heat had really affected her brain and her ability to think logically. It was too late to back out now as she heard an annoyed 'Enter'. Holding her chin up she entered the Captain's cabin, his back was too her as she swallowed hard. The Captain had stripped out of his shirt; he stood in only his breeches and boots. His mask discarded on his deck, as Liz couldn't help but admire the muscles that tensed in shoulders and arms.

"Captain?" She spoke slowly as he was quick to reach for his mask.


"I was...uh..did you..."

"Spit it out Duchess!" He snapped as Liz struggled to form her sentences when he turned to face her. The candlelight emphasising the simple glow of sweat on his toned stomach.

"Did you want to join us?" She asked him. Eyes up Liz! She kept repeating in her brain. It wasn't like she had never seen a half naked man before. She felt proud that her voice didn't waver this time as she locked onto his stormy gaze. For some reason, almost like a spell had been put over her, Liz struggled to breathe as she looked at him. He would give Chris Hemsworth a run for his money. She thought.



"NO!" His rejection was sharp and blunt before Liz was shoved out of his cabin. She heard a sliding click to realise that he had locked himself in. Embarrassed Liz was quick to flea from outside his door to join the rest of the men on deck. She hoped that his slamming of the door didn't awaken Henry. It had taken three bedtime stories to finally get him to fall asleep. He had pleaded and begged to join the 'party', promising to be on his best behaviour, but Liz had merely shaken her head no and tightly tucked him under the sheets. Henry had fought hard to stay awake but sleep took him before Liz had even shut the door behind her.

"Don't take it personally?" Edward encouraged as her brother gave her a smile.


"He doesn't celebrate. Ever" He replied with a knowing look. She was glad that it was night and that there wasn't much light. It helped hide her red cheeks that burned with embarrassment.

"Ever?" She whispered in complete disbelief.

"Come on" He encouraged as he pulled her away from the darkness. Her brother's words kept echoing in her brain making her wonder why he didn't celebrate with his men. Was it because he thought the crew wouldn't relax with their captain amongst them watching their every move? That couldn't be right. They respected him too deeply for that to be the case. Sighing through her nose she gladly welcomed the distraction as she turned away from the Captain's cabin. Well if he didn't want to join she wasn't going to waste another second thinking of him. Unfortunately that didn't go how she had hoped as she found herself biting her lip in deep thought for most of the night.

Unlike her first party on the Golden Empress, tonight was relaxed and soft. Relaxed and soft were two words Liz's never thought she would put together with pirates. The men were exhausted and disheartened from their lack of progress. Unlike last time the men were too tired to tease a song out of Liz. Instead they enjoyed their respite as the rum cooled their throats.

No one was up for a jolly jig or singing. Instead they happily drank their rum as Edward played soothing soft melodies. Seeing his sister suffering from an inner turmoil, he decided to give her a way out the only way he knew how. Even though she had been playing all day when her brother tapped her on the shoulder and held out the violin she graciously took his silent offer. A few members of the crew watched the silent exchanged, intrigued as Liz slowly closed her eyes and lifted the instrument to her chin.

Silence. Complete and utter silence. Liz hesitated for a moment before her fingers took over her body. If the men didn't believe that angels could walk the earth they did now. Liz had them all mesmerised as her heart broke as she played. Edward's heart fractured as he could hear his mother's voice sing the sweet Hallelujah chorus in his mind.

Hidden safely within the walls of his cabin the Captain sat at his desk cradling an empty glass. The mouthful of whiskey he had downed felt bitter in his stomach. Grumbling he pushed the glass to the side. He didn't like drinking and yet here he was with whiskey in his gut all because he didn't want to face her. Her invitation to join his men had caught him off guard. Cursing under his breath his rejection had been an instinctive response. He wanted to blame his behaviour on the heat but he knew that it was no excuse. Liz was an incredibly beautiful woman who easily managed to get under his skin. She wasn't some measly wallflower like he had originally thought; she had fire and spirit that attracted him like moth to a flame. In all his years he had never met a woman like her and he knew he needed to keep her at arms length. If anything, the fact that she was Edward's brother should have deterred him, but it didn't.

Hearing an angelic melody the Captain's feet had a mind of their own as he opened his door to see everyone in a trance. They were all watching Liz as she played, her eyes closed oblivious to enchantment she held everyone under. The candlelight giving her an angelic glow as his eyes burned watching her sway her hips. Bloody hell. He thought as he watched the temptress spark a heated desire he had never felt before. Liz hadn't even realised she was semi dancing as she played. She had been so caught up in the music that as she drew the final note she realised she was panting.

"That was mother's favourite" Edward's voice cracked as Liz handed him back the instrument. He pulled her into a tight side hug, placing a kiss in her hair as the men were falling asleep where they stood. Feeling a strong heat beam in her direction, Liz could see the Captain standing his doorway watching her. His eyes sparkled against his black mask. Turning away from his strong gaze, she could still feel it beating down against her neck.

"Liz" Edward gaped as she looked up at her brother with a frown.

"What?" She asked him as he quickly loosened the leather tie that held her hair in a ponytail. Before she could protest she realised what had captured her brother's attention. Her hair was blowing. It was only soft at first before it grew as stronger, pushing her hair in all sorts of directions.


The Duchess out of Timeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن