The Last Song Of Serene

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Hi welcome! if i ever made a mistake or grammatical error kindly correct/contact me so i can fix it thank you and i hope you enjoy this story.

This story is filled with a flawed characters so if you're perfectionist then my works are probably not for you. I'm still learning how to deliver a story in a neat and proper way so please bear with me and my imperfect story.

Btw All of the names/scenes here is just fictional and some of them contained mature scenes and inappropriate words. Most of the content of this story is just fictional or only exists in writer's imagination.

Again, this story contains scenes that may trigger you. Suicide and self harm are mentioned in this short story, read at your own risk.

This story is so short that you can read this in one sitting. I was young and newbie when i wrote this story. This was supposed to be uploaded in my RP account but it ended up writing it here.

Enjoy reading!✨

Plagiarism is a crime punishment by law!

All rights reserved 2021


The Last Song Of SereneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang