42|real life

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"I'm freaking out give me a shot." Nova said reaching Anthony's house and straight into the kitchen.

"Well hello to you too!" Anthony said letting her walk past.

"She's been like that all morning ignore her." Lizzie said trailing behind them.

"Everyone's here now, they're all out in the garden." Anthony said watching as Nova poured herself a shot.

"Great..." Nova said taking one more shot before sighing preparing herself to go outside.

The trio walked outside into the garden greeting everyone they saw, Nova instantly locked eyes with Sebastian who was standing talking to Chris with a drink in his hand. She instantly felt herself freeze looking at him, everything suddenly came flooding back to her from the night they shared and her breath hitched in her throat.

"You look amazing." Scarlett said walking over to Nova, "Please no that's all you." She said bringing her attention back to the present.

"You doing okay?" She asked taking a sip of her drink, "Yeah—yeah I am okay you?"

"I'm great." She smiled slightly before moving away.

Nova sighed slightly before turning around coming face to face with Sebastian, shit. She thought she'd seen him with Chris a moment ago now he was standing here in front of her with a soft look on his face.

"Hey." He said giving her a small smile, "H-hi." She managed to choke out.

"How are you?"

"I'm okay, you?" She asked softly.

"Yeah...I um I figured we should talk." He muttered rubbing his hand on his neck.

"Um probably."

"Listen the last thing I want is for things to be awkward, I don't want things to be ruined." He said looking at her waiting for some sort of reaction.

"Me neither, we both were extremely drunk and it happened, but I don't want things to ruined." She said.

"Right so—" He paused looking down at his shoes for a moment, "Are we okay then?" He muttered lowly almost fearing her answer.

"Yeah...yeah we are." She said slowly.

"Good." He said cracking a small smile, she returned the smile before turning away to find Elizabeth again.

As she walked away her heart was beating frantically against her chest and she felt as though she'd fall flat on her face before she'd make it to Elizabeth. Once she'd finally caught notice of Elizabeth she walked over instantly gripping her arm.

"Ouch! stop." Lizzie said wincing at the pain.

"Oh shut up it's not even that hard."

"What's crawled up your ass?"

"I had a conversation with Sebastian." She whispered into Lizzie' dear, her eyes went wide and she dragged Nova away from the huddle.

"You what? How did that go?"

"I think we're okay? that's the general consensus we've reached." She shrugged taking a sip of the drink in Lizzie's hand.

"So what that's it?"

"What do you mean that's it?"

"I mean what you sleep with him and now you guys are okay? No feelings no nothing?"

"What are you saying right now?"

"Nova come on, do I need to spell it out?"

Nova looked at her eyebrows perked up still not catching what Lizzie was talking about, she shrugged her shoulders, puzzled waiting for her to start talking.

"It's so obvious he has feelings for you, and sleeping with you probably solidified them for him."

"We're just friends Liz what are you on about?"

"Nova come on, he initiated it and he was the first to 'apologise' for it happening because he was afraid you'd freak out." Nova took a large drag of Lizzie's drink sighing once she'd finished the liquid, there wasn't any way whatever Elizabeth was talking about was true. They were both drunk and it happened, there's nothing more to it.

"Whatever..." She muttered not really sure what to say, for now she didn't want to think about any of this. For now she just wanted to forget, forget because maybe there was some truth to Elizabeth's words and if there's truth to them then that means everything she thought she knew about her feelings were all a lie.


once again i didn't read through so
enjoy it anyways! :)

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