37|real life

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"Holy shit!" Elizabeth said walking into the bedroom Nova was staying in.

"What?" She turned away from the mirror looking at Elizabeth staring at her.

"You look insanely hot."

"You scared me for a second but thank you." She chuckled turning back looking over at herself once more, she had on a short red dress and left her locks waving down her back.

"Car's almost here." Elizabeth said before leaving the bedroom.

Christmas had passed by rather quickly, Nova wasn't one to really enjoy the holidays at this time of year. She was usually alone, although she had Elizabeth, she didn't have her family and maybe that's her fault but she didn't want to dwell on it too much. Her parents never really cared much about her and that's just how it was, and has been for most of her life. Ever since she'd met Elizabeth she'd pretty stuck with her and now the two were like sisters.

Family was always a touchy subject for Nova, they didn't care about her and as much as she tried not to care about them she just couldn't. It hurts her to even think about forgetting them, she just can't do it. She shook her head sighing trying to rid her thoughts of such negativity, after all it was New Year's and she was about to go party with Marvel stars.

"Come on!" Lizzie shouted from downstairs, Nova grabbed her shoes and rushed down the stairs seeing Lizzie waiting for her by the door, "You take too long." She muttered.

The journey to Chris' place wasn't too far from Lizzie's, it was a short drive and in time they'd made it.

"You made it!" Chris said as they walked through the door, the house was already filled with people and loud music echoed through the halls.

"Hey you brought Nova! good!" Chris gave her a friendly hug, "Everyone's in the living room either drunk or drinking." He said pointing towards the room.

Both Lizzie and Nova walked into the room greeting everyone and grabbing drinks, a hand on Nova's shoulder caused her to turn around coming face to face with Sebastian. Holy shit, she hadn't expected him to look so good tonight. He was wearing dark jeans and a button down with his long hair somehow styled perfectly, she gulped suddenly feeling flustered at how close they were.

"Miss Nova! glad to see you here!" He said giving her a quick hug, as he pulled back his eyes raked over her outfit taking it all in at once. Fuck, she looked beautiful.

"Hey Seb!" She greeted him back flashing him that big smile of hers.

"Where's my hug?" Anthony said emerging from the crowd walking towards them, Nova rolled her eyes before giving Anthony a quick hug.

"Damn girl look at you." He said chuckling, she playfully hit his shoulder rolling her eyes once again.

They flooded into the kitchen grabbing more drinks before heading back into the living room seeing everyone enjoying themselves. Lizzie grabbed her hand dragging her towards where the Marvel cast seemed to all be laughing, drinking and dancing.

"Nova!" Scarlett yelled jumping up to hug Nova, "Holy shit Scarlett Johansson." She said a little star struck, she wasn't ever going to get over knowing the Marvel cast.

"Don't let the fame get to your head." Sebastian muttered into her ear, she turned around playfully hitting him.

"Why are you talking shut up."

"You love me really." He said pulling at her cheek, she swatted his hand away laughing at him.

"It's almost midnight! let the countdown begin!" Scott, Chris' brother yelled. Everyone had their drinks in hand and started yelling the countdown, Nova suddenly felt Sebastian's hand on her lower back pulling her closer into him.

"5...4...3...2...1!" Everyone yelled simultaneously, laughter and screaming cheers erupted into the house as everyone cheered for the new year.

"Happy new year." Sebastian turned looking down at her smirking slightly, "Happy new year Seb."

The party truly began in that moment, everyone was drunk or on the way to being drunk and dancing all over the house. Lizzie had pulled Nova away to dance, or what they considered dancing which was just moving their bodies in a sort of weird way. They were directly within Sebastian's eye-line, at this point Nova was particularly intoxicated and started moving her body slower, almost trying to captivate Sebastian with her moves.

Before she knew it she was walking over to him grabbing his hand causing him to stand up and follow her. She dragged him back to where she was dancing wrapping her hands around his neck, "Dance with me." She said looking into his eyes, he didn't say anything but a small smile crept onto his lips.

She moved her body once again pulling herself right up against his, slowly, almost torturing him. She hadn't a clue what she was doing, she was drunk and felt like dancing with Sebastian. She could feel his body stiffening at her sudden movements, she looked at him seeing his face had changed. There was something different this time, he looked at her intensely not saying anything. He placed his hand on her hip slowly tracing it moving it up her body.

"Fuck." He muttered still with his eyes locked on hers.

Before she could comprehend what was happening, Sebastian had his lips pressed against hers kissing the life out of her. She had no time to even process what was happening before she found herself kissing him back with everything in her. It suddenly felt as though they were the only two in that room, that everything had disappeared and they were at the center of it.

She couldn't process anything anymore when she felt him tug away and pull at her hand walking her away from the crowd. They made their way upstairs locking themselves in a room, his lips found their way back onto hers quickly whilst her hands fiddled with the buttons on his shirt. She ripped his shirt off as his hands worked on removing the zip on her dress.

"Fuck you're beautiful." He muttered as his lips worked onto her neck, she leaned back giving him more access.

For the rest of night it was a heated passion between the two with barely any words exchanged. They stayed there together, basking in the passion they'd created not caring for anything but what was going on between the two of them.


seb and nova uh oh😏

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