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HANMI leans back against the office doors with relief flowing down her face. That was easily one of the hardest confrontations she's had to face in all her life and that is saying something because as a princess, she faces confrontations almost every day.

She shudders at the memory.

"We are rather disappointed that you hadn't thought to tell us," said her mother as she stood by her father's seat in the office. All Hanmi could do was stare at the ground.

By all means, Hanmi is pleased that they were only disappointed at the fact that she hesitated to tell them. After all, she is the only child they have and it would only be right if she did. They let her off with a gentle reminder for there not to be a repetition and to keep up with her schoolwork.

Now that she is out of the office, Hanmi is able to breathe a little easier.

There are approximately two weeks left until the commencement of the Games. In her opinion, a fortnight is more than enough time to get herself prepared as she is not completely unknowledgeable in the field of survival. It is basic royal teaching, Hanmi is proud of the fact that even until now, she still remembers all the codes made by flashing lights. After taking one long intake of breath, Hanmi walks away from the office.

So on the first day of training, Hanmi meets Minho as she crosses the landing on the second floor that overlooks the entrance. The Prince had just arrived, taking off his hat before giving it away to a servant, showing his bright orange hair.

"Prince Minho," she acknowledges with a loud enough voice to be heard one floor down.

"Good morning, Your Highness."

Hanmi sighs. "Shall we meet in the backyard? I suppose a change of clothes will do me good."

"Of course, please, take your time."

"No funny businesses, otherwise I will have you out of this castle."

Hanmi doesn't believe he will follow up on her words, but Minho agrees anyway. A servant escorts him further into the castle, directing him to the backyard. She blinks at the gesture, not really finding the reason as to why Minho still needs to be accompanied to the yard when he easily knows more of the castle than she does.

This proves to be true when she finds that the Prince is no longer with the servant, kicking at pebbles on the rough gravelled path towards the training grounds.

"No servant?" Hanmi asks when she approaches the young man.

He answers with a nonchalant shrug. "'Dunno, must've lost him."

The Princess exhales.

"We both know that is not true... but at least it wasn't me this time," she reaches her hand to his ear and pulls it, "play nice or I will leave you in the woods when the race begins."

Minho yelps in pain, lowering his body down to lessen the stinging stretch of his skin as his head follows in the direction of Hanmi's pull.

"Ow, ow, oww!!"

Hanmi gives one last tug — a strong one — before releasing the hold. When the Prince gives her a frown as he rubs his earlobe, she leans her head back in satisfaction and hides the grin threatening to show on her face as she knows that Minho would kick the back of her knees if he sees.

"That was utterly vile of you," Minho says, "incredibly villainous and what a horrific, horrific, horrific deed."

Hanmi groans. "I forget you can be so annoying."

"The poor boy must be looking for you all over the castle," she looks at the Prince pointedly, "I may be used to your antics but not everybody is accustomed to your way of behaving, Prince."

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