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IT'S a race, so she learns, dating back centuries ago, millenniums easily, by some man named Herbert Sheridan. It was first made as a form of entertainment to members of the royal family but it slowly turned into the most anticipated kingdom-wide scavenger hunt with participants from lands far and wide.

Back in the day, the absolute monarchy in the previously united kingdoms was all for show. People of royal descent lived on the funds of their citizens, drinking from their money and partying all over their hard work, enslaving governors under their command. Naturally, with all the different incomes each kingdom made, came sparking rivalries and since they had all the time to spare, the Lacuna Games was created.

It was initially to cure the boredom of these high ranking individuals but centuries have passed and now, it is only done to keep the unity and celebrate the friendships in between the kingdoms. Hanmi feels relieved that they got over their selfish acts and started taking on their responsibilities as heads of the nation over that span of time.

At least, that's what she had managed to fish from Hyunjin's tsunami of words when she asked before he left.

"You should have a go," Hyunjin told her, pausing mid-step into his carriage and the tail of his suit flicking in the wind.

"Have a go at what?" she had asked.

"The Games," he answered lightly, "you could do with some fresh air. Don't stay cooped up in your room for too long, that botanical report can wait."

"How did you know I'm writing a report?"

"I just know, your face says it all," Hyunjin then entered the coach and the footman closed the door. Hanmi twisted her expression, what about my face? "The Sir Lawrence expedition isn't for a while. Have fun a little."

"I'll have to think about it. Safe travels, be back soon."

From inside, Hyunjin bowed with a laugh. "I will, don't worry. Good day, Your Highness."

Thinking back on her friend's words, Hanmi figures that he's right. The past few months, her tutor, Sir Lawrence, had piled her with so many work and assignments to hand in with the promise of her joining the next sea expedition. Who could resist a trip down south the ocean anyways?

Ever since Sir Lawrence had proposed his offer to join him on the expedition, she worked on the report right away. The same one she had been working on earlier in the day and she must agree with Hyunjin, if Tia hadn't come in and took the book away from her for lunch, she'd continue right into the day and forget the word itself ever existed.

After lunch, Hanmi walks toward her father's office. Although she hasn't fully decided on whether or not she'd join (not that she absolutely wanted to, Hanmi just found Hyunjin to be reasonable and besides, there are still a million reasons as to why she wouldn't take part), her mother did say she needs to help her father. To keep her out of her room, she supposes, maybe helping out would bring her the fresh air Hyunjin told her about. Even Tia herself, Hanmi remembers the words the handmaid had spoken just before lunch began – that it would be good if she went outside of the castle for a change.

Hanmi rounds a corner, cursing under her breath at the sight of the next flight up the stairs after climbing two already. Another string of curses flows out of her mouth when she sees Prince Minho exiting a room as soon as she arrives at the top of the staircase. It's too late to turn back now, Minho seems to always some sort of a sixth sense to noticing her presence and today is no exception.

"Having a good day, Princess?" she hears him greet her from a few steps away.

"Quite alright until recently," Hanmi feels the corners of her lips tug up slightly at the mock offended look on Minho's face.

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