The Town Princesses Big Secret!!/ Part 1!!

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It was another day at Arista Academy when it was Just History class, And Jackson was Just packing up his stuff when he Saw the Worlds Most perfect Girl; No Seriously She was Literally perfect in every single way with her beating Beautiful, Kind, Warmhearted, and Generally the Nicest Person Alive! This Girl was Umaru-Doma and she was indeed the Most perfect Girl Alive!

It was another day at Arista Academy when it was Just History class, And Jackson was Just packing up his stuff when he Saw the Worlds Most perfect Girl; No Seriously She was Literally perfect in every single way with her beating Beautiful, Kind, W...

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Everyone Absolutely Adored her but the only thing people can ever hate about her is her older brother Kaisha who always seems to make her Upset and everyone and I mean Literally everyone Gives him Flak for the damn thing!

Jackson though... He was A Bit suspicious! I mean Her older brother would not just make insults like that for no reason, and His Claims seem so out there that they Have to be Rooted in something! Like He always says She Lazy, She's A Slob, and she's just the worst sister imaginable which Makes zero sense but then again it's so Out there it has to be rooted in something!

Anyways Jackson was Packing up his Stuff when he felt A Tap on his shoulder to see the always amazing Umaru-Chan cutely looking at him but he kept his Guard up because his suspicious still remain high! They Do Talk from time to time but it's not Much since Umaru has only been here for a little over A Year and You were always Busy doing Hero and Harem Stuff!

Umaru: "Hi, Jackson-Kun!"

Jackson: "Um... Hey Umaru-Chan... Need anything...?"

Umaru: "Hm? Oh, Right. You see My Brother is kinda Mad at me right now and we got in A Bit of A Scuffle so I can't come home right now-"

Random guy: "What A Jerk!!"

Random Girl: "Why do you even live with him!?"

Umaru: "T-Thank you, every one, That was... Kind yet Unessacry attacks on my Brother. Look Jackson I have nowhere to go and I got no one to be with, So......"

Jackson: "You Wanna hang out with me?"

Umaru: "Oh, Sure! If you don't mind of course."

Jackson: "Oh, Of course not Umaru! I got nothing to do Thankfully! Where do you wanna go?"

Umaru: "You got any ideas? I have none."

Jackson: "Sure, Just follow me!"

Umaru: "Great!"

They then Left As A Girl with Black Hair Tied in A ponytail watched from Afar and was squeezing her Pencil so Hard she Snaps it in Half! This is Kirie Motoba and she is One of Umaru's best friends and A Total Kuudere... Well, She is A Kuudere until she gets the Idea of Umaru in her Mind or doing some fucking adorable then she Completely Loses her Cool!

 Well, She is A Kuudere until she gets the Idea of Umaru in her Mind or doing some fucking adorable then she Completely Loses her Cool!

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Kirie: "How dare he steal my Umaru-Chan. She's My Waifu and I swear to god He will go and destroy him if it means having her as my Girlfriend once and for all."

She then Begins Imagining her saving Umaru-Chan and the Girl was thanking her for saving her in the cutest way possible! and She Quickly had A Huge Nosebleed and Nearly Passed out!

Kirie: "I may need to stop thinking of Situations like that..."

Aliens, Gods, And Girls! (OP! Omnitrix Wearing! OC X Massive Harem!) Book 5Where stories live. Discover now