Arc 3.3 - Luther Abravel

Start from the beginning

He stayed unmoving, like a corpse, face stoic and emotionless.

After a while he unknowingly fell to his exhaustion and fell asleep to the white noise of crying kids in the background and the thoughts of murder swirling in his mind.

- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -

His face was struck to the side with enough force to wake him up instantly and draw out a low groan from his throat. His eyes slit open, glazing over all the surroundings in a daze, not clearly registering them, till the face of his assaulter entered his field of view.

'...The fuck?'

His face was struck again. Blinking, he drew his cold narrowed eyes back to the assaulter before slowly turning his face to follow.

'Who's this baby face?'

The baby face swung his hand to slap him again, but Luther slightly angled his head backwards, dodging the hit.

'He's not one of the usual men.' He now had the man in full view as his mind cleared from the grogginess that came from his sleep.

The kid looked comically enraged, with his constipated and his fist clenched like it's the first time someone thought to dodge him. Luther's lips slightly curved in amusement, enough to be noticeable but not enough to break character. It turned flat once the bastard side kicked him like punching bag.

'Amateur...' He realized, 'that's not how you give a hit. It's not even painful enough to make me cry. Who is this guy Parasite?'

[He seems to be a Vraigania aristocrat]


Luther clenched his jaw and slowly turn his face back at the man. He hadn't had a very refreshing sleep, if anything he became more exhausted. And this shit beating was making him more and more short tempered.

'If this baby face doesn't have anything better to do-'


Luther abruptly lunged at him. The chain rattled as Luther tugged on them with such force. A feral sound produced from his throat that shocked not only the baby face but Luther as well. He settled to give a cold glare that only a person who had blood and death on his hands all his life could give.

The baby face immediately went pale and stumbled back, tripping and falling on his bottom. He scrambled back, struggling to get up and run out of the cell.

Luther just watched in slight disbelief. Although he was surprised by his own actions and especially that growl, didn't know where that came from at all, he was more interested in that kid's reaction instead.

'...what? Was he just playing with me? Rich boy wanted to use a prisoner as some punching bag?'

[That... I'm shocked as well Host]

'Who the hell even let him in here...' Just as Luther relaxed his tense face. He angled his head slightly and used his enhanced hearing skill to follow the aristocrat. The sound of shuffled running, laboured breathing, and then him yelling orders to some people about leaving this filthy place at once. Losing interest, Luther brought his range of hearing back to circulate within 500 metres of himself. The sounds of scurrying rats, chains clanking, creaking metal, and the presence of all the guards only registered into his mind.

Overall, this entire underground base was huge. Luther has occasionally been scouring the area with his enhanced hearing but he hasn't picked up on much useful information other than the ones he's already known since he got here. The only important information he's managed to get is that this base held only a few high ranking soldiers, one of which has been constantly present during his torture sessions. And the fact that they haven't been able to weasel out any information from Luther has been grating at their egos. It definitely won't be long before they deem him useless and just outright kill him.

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