A wide smile was on her face as she waved at him, and he shook his head to stop himself from staring. Several months into their relationship and he still got starstruck at the sight of her.

"Bring her home safely, will you?" Hajoon said as they made their way to the door.

Jungwon glanced over at Yebin's grandmother, who tried to mask her concern, before he nodded at her dad with a smile. "Of course, sir."

"You know," Jungwon began as they walked towards their bikes parked at the front yard. "I saw this movie about this couple. One of their bikes broke down, so they had to share one and it looked like such a hassle. Do you think it's even possible?"

Yebin raised her eyebrows with a small smirk. "So you want me to leave my bike here and ride with you instead?"

"Look who's getting bold."

"Look who's getting flustered."

"Forget it, take your own bike." Jungwon huffed as Yebin laughed aloud, running after him. She jumped on the bike seat behind him, and he tried to push her off.

"No, oppa! I want to ride with you," Yebin pleaded jokingly, wrapping her arms around his torso. Jungwon rolled his eyes, grumbling incoherent words as he began to pedal into the streets.

Their plans were to spend the rest of the day after school at the park, doing whatever. Their friends had already greeted them, but they were all busy with their own errands, so they were spending their birthday alone. They didn't mind, and just as they arrived, it started to snow.

The two walked along the pavement, with Jungwon's arm arm around Yebin.

"One day we'll be walking like this on the SNU campus." Jungwon grinned.

"My parents want me to be a doctor like them. And you know how hard it is to get into SNU's medicine program." Yebin sighed.

"But you're not going for medicine," Jungwon concluded. "You'll get in for Media Arts."

"That's a dream." She shook her head, turning to face him. "What do you want to major in?"

"I don't know. I'll take anything SNU offers," Jungwon said. "Or whatever the college you're going to offers."

"Hey, no. Even if I don't end up in SNU, you're still going. It's your dream."

"Dreams change." Jungwon shrugged, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer with a smile.

"Really?" Yebin laughed, raising her eyebrows at him as she put her arms around his neck. They felt themselves slowly start to lean in.

Until his phone rang.

They jumped away from each other, startled. Jungwon pulled his phone out, muttering under his breath as he answered the call on speaker.

"What do you want?"

"I'm sorry, did I interrupt something?" Heeseung asked suggestively.

"No, hyung, just- agh. Why are you calling?" Jungwon sighed.

"I'm stuck in a student council meeting and I need someone to run an errand for me," Heeseung explained.

"No thanks, we're busy-"

"We'll do it!" Yebin cut Jungwon off, making the boy's eyes go wide. He gave her a pleading look, but she just nodded her head eagerly. "What do you need, Heeseung?"

"We're having a quick ID picture-taking for some new students, so we need some lightning equipment."

"I have the key to the clubhouse," Yebin announced, making Jungwon groan.

He practically sulked as Yebin dragged him towards the bike and he just stood there, without getting on.

The girl put her hands on her hips, knowing exactly what he was thinking. "Not so romantic anymore, huh?"

Yebin sighed, shaking her head. "Come on, you big baby. I'll pedal."

"Really?" Jungwon's eyes lit up when she swung a leg over the bike, patting the space behind her. He got on, smiling as he trapped her between his arms, placing his hands on the handlebars. "You love me."

"Shut up." Yebin swatted his hands away, starting to pedal down the street as he wrapped his arms around her for support.

Yang Jungwon knew something was up the moment they got to the clubhouse lot. With the cars strangely scattered behind the area, and the overall isolation, it was just too quiet. He bit back a smile as they walked up to the door, catching sight of someone hiding behind a pillar.

"Just act surprised, okay?" he whispered to Yebin.

"What do you mean?" She furrowed her eyebrows, fumbling with the keys as she unlocked the door to the dark room. As she reached for the lights however, the entire place lit up, and the sound of confetti canons were set off.


Yebin staggered back in pure shock, but Jungwon caught her with a laugh. The girl's eyes were wide as she took in her surroundings, still hyperventilating. All their friends were staring back at them with jazz hands, wide smiles on their faces.

"Happy birthday!" they all chorused.

"I almost got a heart attack, but I'm so happy right now." Yebin breathed out, smiling as she felt herself tear up. "Ah, you guys are making me cry!"

Jungwon watched as Xiaohui pulled her in for a hug, laughing along with the crowd. Sunghoon was the first to approach him, clasping his hand as they high-five.

"Happy birthday, man."

"Thanks." Jungwon grinned, looking back at Yebin. "She really had no idea. She's so cute, isn't she?"

"You might roundhouse kick me if I agree, so I'll not comment on that," Sunghoon said, and Jungwon nudged him with a laugh.

"See? So violent," Sunghoon teased, but Jungwon only narrowed his eyes at him before looking back at Yebin, who was being coddled by her friends.

He had this smile on his face whenever he looked at her- which was pretty often, if Sunghoon could add. He sighed. "Jungwon-ah, you stare at her as if you're going to lose her tomorrow. I'm so jealous of what you guys have."

Jungwon shrugged, grinning when Yebin waved at him from afar. "I know we're only eighteen, but I honestly can't see myself with anyone else."

a/n. sorry for the late update!! i kinda got caught up today, but i hope you guys like this chapter<3

 sorry for the late update!! i kinda got caught up today, but i hope you guys like this chapter<3

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