3 - texting

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I waved bye to my co-workers as I walked out the door. The fussy feeling that I experienced when talking to Weston and Kalynn stuck with me. I hope that Weston has texted me. I quickly check my phone as I walk towards my car. I didn't see a text. Maybe he didn't feel the same. Maybe it was just me.

It's only been an hour, I need to relax. I jump into my car with a sigh of disappointment. I wish I took his number as well. Maybe he'll never reach out to me. I put my playlist on to distract myself from my misery. Some Bo Burnham songs begin blasting through my speakers. My smile returns to my face. Problematic. My favourite song at the moment. I begin singing as I pull away from the cafe.

Soon my phone has cycled through a wide range as artists and I'm only a minute away from home. I pull up to my garage entrance and a notification interrupts my tune. A text notification. Could this be? Weston? I really hope so. I pull into my reserved car space and immediately reach for my phone as I turn off the engine.


Unknown number
Hey y/n! It's Weston, from the coffee shop. I hope 

we get to hang out soon, meeting you was fun.


OMG, he wants to hang out as well. At least the feeling was mutual.


Hi Weston! That would be really cool! Maybe we

 can do something tomorrow, I don't have work :)

That would be good! You could come over 

tonight if you want, I have a few friends coming over.

--- IRL---

Damn. I really do want to come over but I have to do my stream, my face reveal. Should I? No I have to commit to my viewers.


I wish I could, I have to stream tonight. It's 

a pretty big stream as well

ooo maybe I can watch haha

no no no, I get way to embarrassed if I know 

who's watching

fair enough, its all good


At least he's understanding. I jump out of my car, lock it up and walk up the staircase. I unlock my apartment door and call out to June. "JUNE, guess what, I made some friends at work today!" I await my sisters voice calling out from her room but she isn't there. Maybe she's out grocery shopping or something. It's fine she'll be back soon, right?


After lounging around for a few hours, relaxing from work, June finally came home. I asked her where she went. She said that she was out with friends. Friends? I didn't know that she had any. Maybe I don't know enough about my sister. I check the time and it's six pm. I guess I better start preparing for my stream.

I heave myself from my couch position and roam to the bathroom. I wash my face clean of the crusty work makeup that lay upon my face from the day. I could feel my skin breath again with each makeup wipe swipe. Once my face was relieved of my mask, I stared at myself for a while. Not too long but enough. If I looked too long, I would start getting anxious again, start thinking too much. I distracted myself from my thoughts by fixing up my hair. I brushed it out and decided that it looked better this way.

My next step was reapplying makeup. I needed to look presentable, the best I have ever looked. I was going on camera for the first time. The first impression is the most important. I did my entire makeup routine to perfection. I wiped and redid, wiped and redid, wiped and redid until my face looked good enough. It look me almost two hours to be happy with the final project. Once again I made serious eye contact with myself. Was this good enough? Will my viewers like me? Will anyone even care anymore? There was only one way to find out.

I stepped out the bathroom and faced my closet with fear. I'd never had to think about this before, what to wear? I only ever wore 'work' clothes, nothing that I had looked remotely 'stylish'. After a long mental battle, I decided on a simple white cropped t shirt with some blue jeans. The time was drawing closer.

I looked over at my cramped corner, slightly scared but now fuelled with excitement. I pulled out my sweaty gamer chair and set down. I turned on my PC and watched as all the RGB lights illuminated. I went straight to twitter. 


y/u/n: big stream today! face reveal, get in here (link to your twitch)

--- IRL ---

It's out there no. I really had no other choice. I opened up OBS and practised turning on the camera. I did a scan of the background, making sure that nothing was to revealing and made sure that my room looked ok. I ran through in my head what I was going to say, how I would announce it. There is nothing left to do.

I clicked 'start stream' and waited for some viewers to roll in. The title read "AWESOME STREAMER FACE REVEAL". There were many fans waiting in offline chat after seeing my tweet. I already had 20 viewers after just starting my stream. I being talking to the few loyal fans who were eager to meet their 'friend'. I made some general chit-chat, shared my excitement and bought myself some time for the view count to rise.

Suddenly I has 150 viewers in my stream. I began to feel the mounting pressure. This was way more than yesterday. Maybe my raid with Hooverr went well? I don't know. It was time. I couldn't back away from all these people but I also didn't want to disappoint them.

"Okay guys, I guess the time had come, you can finally put a face to this pretty voice. Get your fan accounts ready" I took one last sigh. I clicked. I clicked the change scene button and a full screen image of my face was revealed. My heart stopped and it felt like everything went quiet as I smiled into the camera not wanting to bring my eyes back to chat. Out of my peripheral vision I see the chat move faster and faster.

I finally look down at the chat and see it filled with 'You're so pretty', 'My streamer!' and generally positive messages. Joy radiated out of my face. I began thanking the people in my chat, many names I recognized from the very beginning of my career. Everything is going so well. I was so happy! Then I see a chat message that made be stop what I was doing.

Hooverr: Wait a second.....

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 07, 2021 ⏰

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pretty face { weston koury x reader }Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang