2 - new boy in town

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After staring at the duo in the Jeep for an uncomfortable amount of time, I realised that the milk I was frothing was reaching and unsafe temperature. I refocused my attention and finished off my latte. I passed the drink on to the customer.

The infamous chime of entrance was heard and I immediately knew who was there. I looked up to greet the pair. "Hey, what can I do for you today?" I say as I move towards the cash register. "Hey, do you think I could get a large vanilla iced latte" the girl spoke. "No problem" I say as I input the drink. "And for you?" I gesture to the boy. "Oh, I'll get a medium vanilla cold brew, thanks!" he says. I can't help but make eye contact with him. Maybe for a little too long. "All good, I'll get started on those now" I smile at the duo, my eyes lingering towards the male.

What was I thinking? There's no way I can be attracted to this guy after barley meeting him. He probably has a girlfriend. I mean who is he with? Is that his girlfriend? I mean I don't think I would have a chance anyway.

"Do you stream?" A question out of the blue. "Huh?" I say as I look up from the expresso machine and shake my thoughts. "Your badge" the boy says "you've got the Twitch logo." Oh yeah, I had completely forgotten that was there. "Oh haha, yeah I stream a bit, nothing big though" I say with a slight blush coming over me. I always got embarrassed whenever streaming was mentioned. I've always been embarrassed of it, since my classmates found it in high school. "I guess you are familiar with Twitch too?" I say, eager to keep the conversation going. "I guess you could say that" the boy replies with a smirk forming.

"Maybe we could stream together sometime" I suggest, half joking but not really. I didn't have any streamer friends really, or any friends for that matter. All I need is my sister, right? "That would be cool!" the boy replies back with surprising joy. Odd. "Are you two new in town?" I say as I pour their expresso shots into plastic cups. "How could you tell?" the girl jokes as she inserts into the conversation. "Oh I always remember faces and I've never seen you guys." I say as I reach down and grab milk. "Yeah, we just moved here with our two friends"  (imagine all core four moved in together at the same time) the boy states. I add vanilla syrup to both cups as I finish up the coffees. I push them towards the pair smiling up at them.

"Well I hope I see you guys again soon" I say as the duo approach to pick up their drinks. I felt genuinely comfortable and happy with these people which is hard to come by in this town. "I'd love that, it's Kalynn btw" the girl smiles back. "Hey did you want to exchange numbers, I'd love to speak with you more," the boy says as he reaches for his drink. My heart skipped a beat. "Of course, here my number is 042-069-420" I reply and the boy immediately adds my number to his contacts. "Alright, thanks so much for the coffee, see you soon" Kalynn says as the pair make their way to the door, the boy still locked into his phone. I never caught his name.

Just as the door swings open, the male looks back to me and we lock eyes. I smile as he opens his mouth once more. "I'm Weston btw" he says as he makes his way out the door. "See you soon Weston" I say with a smile as the door bell chimes again. I stay still for a moment, reminiscing on the past 5 minutes. Quite possibly the best 5 minutes at this job ever.

All I can think about is Weston. As my thoughts drift back to our encounter in the remaining 55 minutes of my shift. I would try to stop the flashbacks. I need to shake these flashbacks. He probably has a girlfriend. I'm getting my hopes up.

But he is so cute. Ugh why must this happen to me.

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