Chapter fifteen

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While they were driving the RV started to slow down, Rick started driving slower until the RV stopped.

"What the hell?" Julianna mumbled, Rick huffed and got out, Julianna followed behind him.

"Where's Carl?" Lori asked as she got out of the RV, Julianna nodded to the car.

"He fell asleep with Sophia a few hours ago." Julianna said, Lori smiled and stood next to Carol.

"Think the RV is broken again." Julianna mumbled to Rick, Rick smiled and wrapped his arm around her waist, Julianna smiled and leaned into him.

"Well if ya can't find a radiator hose, you sure as hell can find alot of stuff." Daryl said, Julianna smiled and nodded.

"True, food, water, new clothes." Julianna said, looking down at her clothes, Rick smiled down at her.

"I think you look beautiful." Rick muttered, Julianna smiled and kissed his cheek.

"I don't know I feel about this, it's a graveyard." Lori muttered, pulling a sleepy Cark next to her.

"Lori, everything is okay, grow the fuck up." Julianna told her, she than started to walk away.

"You're gonna let her talk to you're wife like that?" Carol asked, Rick sighed and ran a hand over his face.

"Honestly, I don't care how she talks to her. And, ex wife." Rick said, before starting to walk away behind Julianna.

Julianna stopped at a small car and started going through some luggage, she grabbed a purple suitcase and started going through clothes.

"Hell yeah." Julianna said as she held up a leather jacket, she grabbed some ripped jeans and a plain t-shirt before smiling.

" Julianna said as she held up a leather jacket, she grabbed some ripped jeans and a plain t-shirt before smiling

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"I bet you'll look beautiful." Rick said from behind her, Julianna smiled at him.

"I hope." She mumbled, Rick nodded and kissed her cheek before walking away.

Julianna walked into the RV and went into the bathroom, she started taking off her clothes and changing into the new ones.

Once she was dressed and had her gun holsters, and her knife holster and the sword on her back she walked out.

When she got out she started going through cars again, until someone's hand went over her mouth.

"Shh, get down. Walkers." She heard Rick whisper, she nodded and hid under a car with Rick.

Her eyes met Carl's terrified ones, she sent him a small smile and nodded, Carl weakly smiled back.

Julianna looked around and started seeing the walkers, she gasped quietly at how many there was.

She looked over at Rick and scooted closer to him, he placed a soft kiss on herbhead and held her tightly.

Her eyes finally met Lori's and Carol's, they both were looking at her with tears in their eyes, like she could save them.

A scream ripped her eyes from them and to Sophia, Rick and Juli started climbing out from under the car.

The both took off into the woods, going in different directions to find the girl better, but Julianna couldn't find her.

She came across a creek and saw Rick standing there with a confused look. "Rick?" She asked, Rick turned around and smiled.

"I-I left her here and she's not here." Rick told her, Julianna nodded and stayed out of the water.

"Come on, maybe she's back at the highway." Julianna said, holding her hand out, Rick grabbed her hand and stepped out of the water.

They both walked back to the highway hoping to see Sophia, but all they got was a crying Carol.

"You didn't find her?" Carol asked, a sob racking through her body.

"She didn't come back?" Rick asked, Lori shook her head and Rick sighed. "Daryl, Glenn, Shane, Ian and Julianna. Let's go." Rick said, Julianna hopped back over the railing and started walking back into the woods with everyone behind her.

Daryl was following Sophia's tracks with Ian behind him, Julianna and Rick were in the back of the line talking.

"I shouldn't have left her alone." Rick told her, Julianna sighed and looked over at him.

"This wasn't you're fault Rick." Julianna told him, Rick sighed and grabbed her hand for comfort.

As they were following the tracks, Julianna and Rick kept holding hands, neither of them let go.

After a while, Shane, Glenn and Ian went back to the highway, it was only Julianna, Rick and Daryl now.

"Walker." Julianna whispered, Rick whistled and the walker growled and turned to him, Daryl shot a bolt in the back of its head.

As Rick got ready to cut the thing open, Daryk stopped him stating that his knife was sharper, he cut into the stomach making Julianna gag.

"I'm gonna be sick." She muttered, she stood up and walked away from the smell, she leaned over a tree and three up whatever was left that she ate.

"This son of a bitch had him self a woodchuck for lunch." Daryl said, Julianna looked back behind her making sure it was safe.

"We better head back, it's getting dark." Julianna said, Rick nodded and caught up with her. "Hey Rick?" She asked, Rick looked over at her.

"Yeah?" He said, Julianna smiled at him.

"What's you're blood type?" She asked, Rick sighed and looked down at her.

"Planning on dying anytime soon?" He asked, Julianna snorted and shook her head.

"Nope." She muttered, Rick smiled.

"I'm A positive." Rick said, Julianna smiled and nodded.

"Cool, same." Julianna said, Rick smiled and grabbed her hand, helping her over the railing.

"You didn't find her?" Carol asked, Rick sighed and shook his head.

"No, we'll pick it back up in the morning." Rick said, Carol started to hyperventilate.

"You can't leave her out in the woods at night!" Carol yelled, Julianna sighed and looked down. "You're leaving my baby in the woods." She cried, Julianna growled and looked up at Carol.

"Than go find her you'reself, we didn't lose her! She wasn't ours to loose." Julianna snapped, she than started to walk to the RV, she climbed uo and sat in Dale's chair.

"Hey, you okay?" A small voice asked, Julianna looked behind her and saw Carl.

"Yeah bud, I'm okay." Julianna said, Carl walked over to her and sat in her lap. "Are you okay?" She asked, she than felt him starting to shake. "Oh it's okay, we'll find her." She whispered, she felt wetness on her shoulders letting her know that he was crying.

Julianna sat there and let him cry it out. By the time he was done he passed out, Julianna held him tightly as she looked around, it really was beautiful at night.

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