Chapter eight

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3rd person

"Julianna." Rick whispered in her ear, Julianna groaned and rolled over to be met with a pair of bright blue eyes.

"Good morning." She mutters, Rick smiles and sits up.

"Come on." He tells her, pulling her up, Julianna sighs and looks at Rick. "You change first, I'll be walking around." He tells her, Julianna nods and grabs her bag.

She changes into a pair of Jean shorts and a loose t-shirt, she slips on her pai of shoes and brushes her hair before walking out.

"You can go in now." She told Rick, who was talking to Carol.

He glanced at her and smiled, he walked up to her and kissed her cheek quickly before walking in the tent.

Julianna walked over to Carol and smiled, Carol looked over at her and huffed. "That's Lori's husband, and you're stealing her." Carol tells her, Julianna freezes and looks at her.

"Excuse me?" Julianna asks, she fully turns to Carol.

"Rick and Lori are married, you can't just take her husband, it's wrong." Carol tells her, Julianna growls.

"If Rick wants to sleep in my tent, in a whole other sleeping bag, than he can. And it's none of you're business with Rick and Lori." Julianna tells her, Carol huffs and looks away.

"Carol, please mind you're own business." Rick says walking up, he glances down at Julianna to see her fuming. "Let's go Juli." He whispers, Julianna nods and follows him.

"Rick! Can we talk?" A voice yells, Julianna looks up and sees Shane, Rick looks down at Julianna and she nods.

"Go ahead." She mutters pushing him lightly, Rick laughs and walks over to Shane.

"Hey, Julianna. Do me a favor and give me my husband back." Lori says walking up to her, Julianna scoffs.

"I'm not stealing him!" She whisper yells, Lori scoffs.

"Than what are you doing?" Lori asks, Julianna sighs and shakes her head.

"All right, everyone listen up because I'm tired of this. I'm not stealing Lori's husband, got it? It was his choice to sleep in my tent, in a whole other sleeping bag, so mind you're own damn business, and stop being nosey bitches!" Julianna yells, glaring at Carol and Lori.

Julianna looks at Rick to see him smiling at her, Julianna smiles back at him and walks to him.

"What did Shane want?" She asks, Rick sighs and looks at her.

"That letting go of Lori is a wrong decision." Rick says, Julianna scoffs and shakes her head.

"Why is everybody in ya'lls business?" She asks, Rick shrugs and suddenly a yell breaks out.

Carl. Julianna thinks, without looking at Rick she starts running running the sound. "Carl!" She yells, Carl comes out of the woods and jumps into Julianna arms. "Are you bit or scratched?" She asks checking his arms

"N-no." He cries, Julianna sighs and gives him to Lori.

She walks around and see the men beating on a walker, with one swing of Dale's axe the head fell off.

There was leaves crunching and she held her breath, but when Daryl walked out she felt like she couldn't breathe.

He looked down at the deer and started yelling stuff, she couldn't hear anything, she was frozen in place.

After shooting a walker he finally looked at Julianna and his eyes widened, she let out a breathy laugh and stared at him.

"Anna." He whispered, he slowly moved towards her, he grabbed her hands first making sure Juli was alive.

He than pulled Julianna into a hug and she let myself cry, her whole body shook as she cried, as she was being held by her childhood bestfriend.

"Yer alive." He mumbled, Juli laughed and pulled back.

"I'm alive." She say smiling, he cracks a small smile but it disappears as soon as it came.

"Where the hell were you? You left me!" He suddenly yells, Juli take a step back and stare at him.

"D-daryl, he sold me." She stutter, Daryl growls and grabs her hands again. "I missed you so much double D." She tells him hugging him again, Daryl hides his face in her neck.

He pulls away and grabs her hand before starting to walk away from everyone. "Merle! Get you're ugly ass out here, I 'ave some squirrel!" He yells, Julianna stares at the ground.

"Daryl, Daryl slow down we gotta talk." Shane yells at him, Daryl turns around.

"About what?" Daryl asks, Julianna looks at the ground.

"About Merle, there was a problem in Atlanta." Shane answered, Daryl looked at Julianna questionably.

"He dead?" Daryl asked, wiping his eyes.

Shane sighed and looked at Rick. "We don't know." Shane said, Daryl growled.

"He either is or he ain't!" Daryl yelled, Rick stepped forward and looked at Daryl.

"Look there is no easy way to say this." Rick said, looking at Daryl and Julianna.

"Who are you?" Daryl asked loudly, Rick sighed.

"Rick Grimes." Rick answered, Daryl scoffed.

"You got something you wanna tell me, Rick Grimes?" Daryl asked, Julianna grabbed Daryl's hand.

"Daryl, Merle was out of control from what I heard, I don't really know what happened because after I saw him all I could think about was if you were alive. Merle started beating up on T-dog, after he called T a N-word. Than Rick knocked him out and cuffed him. Apparently T dropped the key down the drain, I didn't even know we were missing him until we left the store. I'm so sorry." Julianna explained, she could see the tears in Daryl's eyes that he only let her see.

"Hell with all ya'll! Just tell me where he is so I can go get him!" Daryl yelled, Julianna looked at Rick.

"He'll show you, ain't that right?" Lori spoke up, Julianna looked at Rick, to see he was already looking at her.

Julianna nodded and so did Rick, he looked at Carl. "Yeah, I'm going back." He said, Julianna smiled at Daryl and hugged him.

"We're gonna go get him." Julianna whispered, Daryl's eyes snapped down to hers.

"No, not you." Daryl said shaking his head, Julianna sighed.

"I had a feeling you were gonna say that." She grumbled, Daryl chuckled quietly and shook his head.

"You're staying here, just incase ya know?" He whispered, Jukianna grumbled and shook her head.

"No I'm going with you." She said, standing straight.

Daryl looked down at her, and finally nodded, Julianna smiled and ran back to her tent.

She walked in a saw Rick buttoning up his police shirt, she smiled and grabbed her gun holster before grabbing her knife holster, she put all her weapons on her and looked at Rick.

"What do you think you're doing?" Rick asked her, Julianna sighed.

"I'm going with, Daryl already said I could." Julianna said, Rick shook his head quickly.

"No, Julianna. You stay here and watch Ian and Carl." Rick said, glaring down at her, Julianna huffed.

"Rick please!" She begged, Rick grabbed her by her hips and brought her closer to him.

"You can't, because I'll just worry about you and I won't be able to focus on the job. Please stay here, watch you're brother and my son please." Rick whispered, Julianna had her arms wrapped around his neck.

"Okay." She sighed, Rick smiled and pecked her cheek before getting out.

Julianna could feel her cheeks heating up, She walked out and saw Rick and Daryl talking, Daryl nodded and sent a small smile to Julianna before getting in the van.

"Glenn, be safe." Julianna whispered grabbing his hands, Glenn nodded with a small smile.

"Will do." He said, he and T-dog than ran to the van and hopped in.

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