Chapter fourteen

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When the two girls were in Lori's room, Julianna sat down next to Lori and gently grabbed her hand.

"Lori, what happened with Shane, he kept looking at you. And you went completely silent after he came in." Julianna told her, Lori sighed and looked away.

"It's fine, I stopped him before he could go any further. He was drunk, and telling me how he saved my boy and I, and how much he loves me, I was sitting on top of the pool table when his hand started going up my shirt to my underwear, that's when I started telling him to stop, than I scratched him." Lori explained, Julianna's eyes were in slits, she looked pissed. "Please don't say anything." Lori pleaded, Julianna nodded and they both walked back out.

Julianna and Lori found everyone in a room with a large screen and lots of tiny computers, Jenner was explaining the virus to everyone.

Julianna stared at the brain on the TV, she looked back at Jenner, and saw the pain in his eyes when he talked about this person.

Julianna looked above the TV and saw a clock counting backwards, Julianna's head tilted to the side.

"Jenner, I don't mean to ask anymore questions but that clock is counting backwards, what happens at zero?" Julianna asked, Jenner stared at her.

"The generators run out of fuel." Jenner told her, he than started to walk off, Julianna followed behind him.

"Jenner! You tell me right now what happens!" Julianna yelled, Jenner turned and looked at her, they were far enough from everyone.

"It sets the air of fire, a big explosion. You won't even feel any pain." Jenner told her, Julianna sighed and they got to his office.

"You're gonna kill everyone single one of us?" Julianna asked, Jenner sighed and looked at her.

"No, but won't it be better if you hold you're loved one and wait till the clock hits zero?" Jenner asked, Julianna growled.

"I'm packing my shit, if you don't let us leave, because I know you'll try to lock us in here, I'll never forgive you." Julianna told him, she than started running back to her room.

Julianna packed all the clothes in the dresser, the ones that would fit. She than walked to the kitchen and grabbed some bags of chips and canned food.

Julianna walked back to where the big screen was and saw Rick and Jenner yelling at eachother, Rick whispered something to Jenner that made Jenner crack and open the doors.

Julianna grabbed Carl's hand and they ran out together, Julianna watched from afar as Rick and Carol started talking, Carol pulled out a grenade from her bag and handed it to Rick.

"Everyone down!" Rick yelled, Julianna pulled Carl down and shielded him with her body.

Julianna waited for the loud explosion, she than stood up and grabbed Carl's hand again, Cark ran to his mom and they went into the RV, Julianna and Rick ran to Carol's cheerokee and got in.

Rick leaned over Julianna with his body as he waited for the large explosion to happen, once it did and it was over Julianna sat up.

"I've always hated that man." Julianna muttered, she watched as Dale and Andrea got into the RV. "Let's get going." Julianna told Rick, Rick nodded and started the car before everyone started to drive.

"Can we talk?" Rick asked, Julianna sighed and looked at Rick.

"There's nothing to talk about Rick, you're married, and I swore off men. I can't end up hurt again." Julianna told him, Rick looked at her with hurt flashing across his eyes.

"I would never hurt you, Julianna." Rick whispered, Julianna stayed silent and looked out the window. "At least give me a chance to prove I'm not gonna hurt you." Rick told her, Julianna huffed and looked at Rick.

"Fine. But we're not dating." She told him, Rick smiled and nodded.

"We're not dating, I'm just proving to you that I won't hurt you." Rick confirmed, Julianna nodded.

"Anyways, if we were to date, we'd have to talk to Carl." Julianna told him, Rick laughed and nodded.

"I know that, Julianna. Get some sleep." Rick told her, Julianna smiled and nodded.

She layed her head on the seat belt and closed her eyes, letting the sleep consume her.


When Julianna woke up, she looked around, Carl and Sophia was in the car with them.

"Well finally you're awake!" Carl exclaimed, Julianna laughed and looked at him.

"Sorry, I was tired." She told him, Carl smiled and nodded.

"It's okay, I'm not mad." Carl told her, Julianna smiled at Carl.

"That's good. How long have I been asleep Rick?" Julianna asked, Rick sighed and looked at her.

"Um well about six hours. It's almost night." Rick told her, Julianna's eyes grew wide and she stared at him.

"Six hours?!" She yelled, she heard Carl and Sophia laughing making her scowl.

"You needed you're sleep, and I got time to talk to my son." Rick said, smugly, Julianna scowled and shook her head.

"Yeah. And I'm completely fine with you guys dating. Dad told me that he's not in love with mom anymore, and that he likes you." Carl said, with a proud smike for remembering all of that, Julianna laughed and looked at Rick.

"Oh my lanta. I can't belive you Rick." She said, still laughing, Rick grinned and placed his hand on her knee.

"Well he said it was fine, so as long as he's fine with it, you said you would be too." Rick said, Julianna rolled her eyes.

"No, I said we aren't dating, but you're showing me that you won't hurt me." Julianna said, Rick huffed and squeezed her knee, Julianna jumped lightly.

"Fine, fine we aren't dating." Rick said, Julianna laughed and looked at Carl.

"I told you she liked you're dad." Sophia whispered, Carl smiled and looked back at Julianna.

"She wouldn't make a bad other mom." Carl said shrugging, Sophia laughed and leaned her head on Carl's shoulder.

"I'm going to bed." She mumbled, Carl nodded and also closed his eyes.

"Goodnight kids." Julianna whispered, Rick looked over at her and kissed her hand making butterflies appear in her stomach.

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