Baby Arrival

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9 months Sibel almost  feel sleepless every night. She feels untold scare but Ramo always  be her courage and backbone.
An angry Sibel entered the big garden of the kaya's Mansion despite the discomfort of walking with the huge bump. No one told her it would be difficult to walk, they said her feet would feel heavy. Sibel's pregnant mind ran at snail's pace to connect two to two.
If her feet felt heavy, obviously it could be a bit difficult to walk.
In the middle of the dull lighting Sibel managed a sight of a boy and a girl.
Knowing she was being stupid she failed to voice it out and walked here and there in search of ramo.
Ramo,Where are you?
Five lights shone to focus right where she was sitting , two diagonally, two from the left and right and one right from the top. Sibel placed her hand near her heart as ramo presented himself before her.
You scared me, she said.
Did i? He still asked , sorry.
That pretty much sums up my life anyway
So— rry he added.
Sibel pushed him slightly to express her annoyance.
Anyway why did you call me here?And what were you doing with that girl? She asked with curiosity visible in her voice.
Which girl? Ramo asked.
How should I know? You called me here then you were talking to another girl? I saw your shadow. Sibel pointed.
And you assumed it was me? Sibel why do you need assurances every now and then ? He sighed.
What is your problem? Sibel was almost crying, who trouble their pregnant wife? Like that?
Ramo conveniently changed the direction of their conversation for the knew at the peace they were going earlier,Sibel would start crying and he had to console as usual. He missed his old sibel a lot and wished for the pregnancy to be over at the soonest.
Sibel gulped down. She now knew he was talking about the anniversary. She decided to play along given her pea sized ego grew into a pumpkin just like her belly grew into a thirty centimetres bump.
Sibel are you okay? Are you in your senses?He held her shoulders?
Don't touch me, she swatted his hands off her. He held them behind his back knowing well that neither she will let him not be off limits  in regards to her not will be able to control himself from holding her in such proximity.
He went on his knees and touched her gown bump. The place where their baby resided brought a smile on his face despite her irritable mood and his frustrated mind.
"Ramo" she seemed effected by the proximity. It was sure not the first time he touched her that way. Her unsteady hormones caused such wonders in her heart. She was feeling overwhelmed.
I am touching my baby, any problem? Ramo too seemed to have gauged her feelings at the moment for he roamed his hands on her belly more than he originally planned to.
Don't do this. She whispered.
Why? He whispered back.
We are fighting. She replied.
Hadi lan, damn the fight.
Language !
Why? Baby will hear? He asked teasingly.
Sibel glared at him after placing each of her hands on each side of her waist.
Ramo only snaked his arms around them to hold he captive in his arms. Sibel tried to free herself from his old only to find his arms being firm around her.
I am not leaving you until you remember what day it is and tell me. Ramo stood firm in his condition.
"Ramo" she sighed before holding onto his shoulders for support, I can't deal with your stubborn nature as of now.
You are the one being stubborn, he kissed her belly twice.
No i am not, Sibel argued .
Ramo stood up and faced Sibel. He still held her in his arms.
Sibel please! To much feminism isn't good either. I am not stopping you from doing what your heart desires. In fact I want you to succeed in whatever you do. After our baby comes, you will have baby to care for. I will help you but how much? I read somewhere baby knows her mother smell and warmth and many times they are away from that familiar warmth. There are many things that a mother can do for her child while a father can not.
Than you have your office. You cannot stay away from office either?
On the top of that , won't running NGO be too much? What if you cannot give your best to either place? All three be worthless in that case.
Sibel took her sweet time to sink in his words.
To much feminism isn't good either, that's what he said. It was true that he said her he wanted her to take care of his baby her feminist side took over her just how it should have.however her idea wasn't born out of feminist motives at all. The concept of her NGO took birth from her compassion her wish to provide other pregnant women like her with the nutrition she received in manifold and an unfortunate few received none.
Ramo , trust me I will take care of all three once, her voice was shaky she was quivering, her belly churned due to constant kicks from the life inside her.
Shhh, relex, ramo caressed her hairs and made her sit. He fetched a bottle of water from nearby that he had earlier taken care of and offered it to her.
Moments later, her shivering stopped butthe bubbling sensation remained. Her heart wanted to get this done with and enjoy the early hours of her 4 Anniversary with her husband.
Seeing the sight of her, all shaky and overwhelmed, he understand it wasn't the time to say anything. He couldn't take any risk in the case of her or their baby.
Just relex, he knelt down and softly placed his hand on top of hers while other one constantly rubbed her back.
Aşkım, baby was kicking constantly at the said moment.
Don't say anything just rest, Ramo wondered if he should take her back to the room where she could lay down or let her sit or here so she could relex before moving a tad inch.
Sibel breathed heavily, she felt something sticky leaking." Call the doctor "she screamed.
Ramo struggled to bring his phone out of his pocket. His nervousness was clear. Her pain reflected in hi eyes. Sibel grasped his palm very hard. In midst of nervousness and pain he dial Dr. Esra's number.
Hello, Ramo spoke over the call? Gülüm is shivering, I don't know what happened. Her face is grown pale, she can't even sit properly.
Next Ramo put the phone on speaker and sibel heard Dr. Esra soothing voice.
Sibel how do you feel. Tell me exactly what you are facing.Dr asked.
Sibel struggled to speak but words formed in her head but failed to come out of her mouth.
She is unable to speak, Esra tell me what should i do?Ramo said.
Lay her down if she isn't already. It maybe prelabor rapture of membranes but we can't say for sure. Ask her if she can feel her water breaking. Do one thing, bring her here.
Immediately, Esra threw a bunch of information and instructions on Ramo's way.
He picked Sibel in his arms and laid her down on the big SUV which their family use rarely.
He sat on the driving seat.Esra still remained on the speaker. As soon as he turned on the ignition, a deadly scream covered his ears.
Ramo's palms turned sweaty out of his growing anxiety over Sibel's state. His confidence crumbled second per second. Hearing sibel's squeals.
Her vaginal walls contracted. A gush of clear fluid leaked. Her screamed increased.
Gülüm don't scream much. I will not be able to drive. Ramo said with clear nervousness.
While he expected trashing from sibel his line called for a good scolding by Esra.
Mr. Ramzan kaya! She is going trough labor. She most probably cannot speak. Just drive here without a second thought.
Tamam, i am coming.
Ramo drove at a snail's pace. His presumption was sibel would feel less pain if he drove slowly. On the other hand, she yelled at him for driving that slow.
My water broke and her you are... Sibel finally managed to utter a few words amidst the heavy breathing and laborious.
A nervous Ramo picked a screaming Sibel in his arms and entered the hospital with her. Somw nurse quickly helped Sibel lie on the stretcher and took her inside.
Where is Dr. Esra? Ramo asked.
She is inside the OT. We are taking your wife to her, a nurse replied. Plz don't be nervous stay here. She added.
Ramo sighed for a second and sat down in the nearest chair available. His anxiety was visible on the face. He was one of most influential people in the Istanbul.He was not nervous on his first day at school, college, at work nor was he nervous when he entered the institution called marriage. He and the word starting with an were poles apart
He waited almost eight months for this day.
Ever since sibel told him that he was going to be father. His arms ached to touch his son or daughter. He was sad over the fact that sibel could physically feel the tiniest moments of the fetus growing in her womb while he, the father, had no chance to feel that. Today, in a few hours, his dreams will be fulfilled.
And today, out of all time in the world, he chose to feel nervous.
"Ramo" her deadly scream covered his ears.
A ward boy came running to Ramo.
Mr. Ramzan kaya? He called.
Dr. Esra asked for you, the boy said.
Ramo nodded and followed him inside.
He knew very well that it was not esra but sibel who was waiting for you. His palms were still sweaty. He had them closed to cope with his current feelings. As a mature and sensible Sibel suggest, he tried taking breaths, however non of those techniques helped.
He was more scared thinking if sibel saw his state. She would get scared as well leading the complications at labor.
He asked to wear a surgery cap, gloves and gown before entering the OT. Hearing Sibel's screams was getting unbearable every second. He quickly got dressed in all that was given to him get changed and followed an assisting doctor inside the theatre.
Red light was turned on signaling the start. Ramo noticed the incubator lying on a tray.
Along with that, there were a few other instruments kept there, the name of which he didn't know.A fetal doppler was being set up by esra. He stood beside sibel and grabbed her left hand. She grasped it tighter than she would usually do. He caressed her hair to help her calm down.Given that he wasn't able to feel relaxed himself, there was no hope of her feeling relax either.
Ask her to stop screaming for a second and cooperate with Dr.Esra.we need to inject her with an epidural block so she doesn't feel pain during the procedure, assisting doctor quickly mouthed the instructions to Ramo.
With both hands he rubbed her left palm and placed a few kisses down her hairline. He next tried caressing her shoulder, caressing her arms followed shortly. Nothing seemed to help her calm down.A dejected ramo let go of her hand.
For minutes, the space was filled with sibel's gasp and moans. Sometimes she was grabbing ramo and others she was not. Ramo juggled between paying attention to what the doctors said to how Sibel reacted to things happening around her.If sibel was his heart, the baby was its beat.watching sibel in pain caused him more pain. He only wished the time would fly
away and he hold his little family together.
The loud noise of a suction covered his ears.
Sibel's nails now dug into the the open side of his palm. She wasn't screaming anymore but it seemed more like she was struggling to breathe or lacked enough strength to make the simplest of noises.
With his peripheral vision, he made out the figure of Esra. She stepped in his direction with a tiny human in her arms and forward it to him to hold" congratulations " you had a daughter.
Sibel's hands slipped away from his. With faint" ramo" escaping her lips, she passed out due to exhaustion. Ramo glanced at her worryingly.
Don't worry it happens sometimes. Her heart is beating means she is safe.Esra pointed the doppler. She just fainted due to exhaustion.
We will wake her up when her vitals turn out to be normal.
Perhaps for the first time, Ramo didn't make sibel his priority and stared at their daughter to his heart's desire. Her eyes were closed till now.she looked like sibel, just as he wanted. He kissed the top of her head.overjoyed, he trailing kisses all over her body. Their daughter, His daughter, His pamuk.
He felt as  if he would die out of happiness. Nothing in his life made him feel the way he was feeling now. He was wrong. So wrong to believe that he became father long before. Now only he was a father, a true one, now that she finally held his baby in his arms.
"The dream of swaying the mother and the daughter in a swing covered his eyes once again." That dream was fulfilled.
She slightly opened her eyes, Ramo could see hint of hazel them. He knew Sibel wanted a pair of gray eyes , but he also knew that now this pair of eyes was going to be her favourite. He kissed her eyes. Pamuk's eyes.
She should wakeup in two minutes, the nurse said after checking her vitals again. He had no idea they could predict the timings but he was surprised when Sibel started to move in more or less two minutes later.
He walked up to hold her hand but stopped seeing her rubbing her hands on her tummy that retrieved its previous shape.
Where is she? She whispered.
He paused momentarily , did she not remember that her water broke?
She is here,she is here. He replied.
We had a daughter right? Sibel asked despite knowing it by heart that it was true.
Yas and she look like you, he replied.
Her eyes? She asked hopefully.
"Hazel" he answered
Sibel didn't frown. Blue, brown,hazel whatever her daughter's eyes were the most beautiful eyes in the world.
Where is she, Sibel stressed.
Here she is, Esra entered the room with a baby in her arms soon after Sibel asked for pamuk.
You have to feed her. If you need anything you can Ask the nurses for help. She said and left after passing her regards.
Sibel touched her daughter. A drop of tear trailed down her cheeks and fell on the baby's eyes. Pamuk opened her eyes. The hazel eyes truly became sibel's favourite.
Now she knew why mothers every tension was relieved after seeing their child. She thought she became a mother as soon as she saw those two lines on the stick. That could certainly be a part of her feelings but the actual feelings were what she felt at this moment. The intensity of those emotions was so strong that words fell short for them. Finally she could see her dreams of" Ramo reading stories to little pamuk, of pamuk's laugh illuminating her days, of making her braids, and cuddling her to sleep getting fulfilled.All those imaginations that she had when she first got to know that she was mother came back from the back of her mind and reflected through her smile.
Ramo came back and took his family in a hug.
Sebos, or shahen are here. Hassan or afet have been informed and they would reach soon.
Sibel glanced outside the window, truly a long night. It was almost dawn, she recalled what day it was and wished him" Happy anniversary "
" Happy Anniversary " he wished back.
They both looked at their daughter and said.
"A very very happy birthday "
Sibel's pov
I fluttered open my eyes still adjusting to the light. I was feeling empty, i looked towards my belly and its size has reduced. I touched my belly... still trying to understand things that had  happened. That is when Ramo came in with a new soul, my soul, our baby in his hands wrapped in white sheath. Thats when everything sinked in and i got my consciousness back.
Few hours before, I was admitted in hospital,I had started contractions and.... and on my bed side was the Great Mr.Ramzan kaya in fainted conditions, he black out when I screamed due to hard contraction. I am seriously going to make him pay for every stupid thing he was done in this crucial phase.
I still had some time before the delivery, i was still dating. Ramo was sitting beside me holding my hands and drenched in water.
" Ramo .. you are such a stupid and irresponsible husband. Here i was in pain and you who should give me strength was already defeated.. you fainted.... yo bloody fainted. I slapped his arms.
Sorry gülüm it's my first time probably that's why, stupidly reasoned ramo.
Are you good? It's my also first time, I have also no experienced this much pain in my life. I am bearing this for our baby, and you.
Sorry gülüm this would not happen again.. i will not disappoint you next time.
Ohhhaaaaa,next time would not come also. I will not  let you touch me.
Ramo just nodded sadly and caressed my hands and wiped the sweat from my forehead.
After few minutes, i was fully dilated the harsh contractions were stimulating my walls to push. I was pushing with my whole strength, ramo was also there motivating me to push but he was fainted. At least the baby was out and i was also out of my consciousness.
Now Ramo gave a million dollar smile and kissed my forehead.

Now Ramo gave a million dollar smile and kissed my forehead

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He gave me our baby girl in my hands.
" Ramo" i bursted out crying seeing him in my arms.
Shhhh gülüm.. see she is here you made it gülüm.

The baby started crying making us worry that what would have happened

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The baby started crying making us worry that what would have happened. That's when nurse came in and  told me to feed her.
It was eternal feeling.
I caressed every feature of her, that's when she opened her eyes she had the same hazel eyes like me.
"Pamuk kaya"
All the family came in with balloons
and cake. All met the new member and argued over whom the baby has gone?
Everything felt surreal, hard to believe that me and ramo had our little one. Coming over all the problems we had faced.
The End

Don't remove this book from library yet.bonus chptrs coming showcasing a few instances of their parenthood journey.

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