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"I have the best husband in the world " sibel said and hugged him.They were in the back seat of the car, while driving to yildrim industries. As decided, Ramo had a meeting with her company's board of directors for planning and the dos and don'ts of what happens when sibel is out for maternity leave. Sibel accompanied him not for lack of turst in Ramo but for her own assurance that her office would do fine without her.
Truth to be told, she wanted to work for next few months before signing up for the year- long maternity leave in her third trimester.
When Ramo everything for her exercising his rights on her , she couldn't deny her sweet husband whose first priority was she, herself.
Ramo kissed the top of her head in response to her open declaration. Both knew well that their chauffeur could hear and see them, yet she chose to shed her shy self to hug and praise him.
"It is my lucky day" Ramo remarked, pregnancy you for good.
Sibel playfully hit on his chest hearing his comments. He would never change.
" you are full of love for me today" he sighed.
You mean I don't love you every day? She asked.
Ramo nodded while he reached for her hand to place a kiss on the back of her palm.
Yesterday, today,tomorrow, everyday your love reserve for me and my baby.
" our baby" she corrected.
Ramo meant the same, his tongue would just slip at times.
By the way you, you are right. She said.
Ramo smiled and pulled her closer to himself.
Pregnancy changed  sibel or not was a long story yet to unfold over the remaining seven months, one thing Sibel noticed was that her pregnancy changed ramo to be more protective and touchy man.
If that were to happen, you are welcome to partner up again with Ramo's industries.
That would make both the companies more reliable in the market and hundred times stronger.Ramo went on explaining what happens in case of a financial crisis during sibel's absence while the rest of the board stared his enigmatic face,way too scared to cross him at any of the points he mentioned.
The only one in the room who had the power and right to cross him, sibel, was awfully silent .They were holding hands as she listened to his points with utmost respect though she disagreed with many herself.she had no doubts in his abilities. The thing was, their leadership strategies did not match at all.
She couldn't tolerate the changes he suggested. In fact her hormones were one step away from sending everyone else outside the room and give him an earful.
Sibel groaned herself. She was mixing her personal or professional life with no clear vision of how to get out of it.
With that said, Ramo continued, I would like to see the financial reports of two last quarters and then talk with the accountants department how to go with it.
Sibel was done. She felt like ramo was interfering with her work.
The look she gave him was enough for him to understand that she demanded privacy.
Ramo stood up to grab sibel's hand tightly.
Excuse us for while, he stole sibel from the meeting attendees only to enter her cabin opposite the conference room.
Any problem gülüm? Ramo asked.
Now that was sibel's problem. if ramo was like those bloody dominant in the name of husbands who never cared for their wives and expected their better halves to concede to everything they say, sibel would have no problem raising her voice against him show him who the boss was.Ramo was being over so caring with her pregnancy. Not only he had a sweet spot it sibel's heart. But thy myth that wives want their husbands closer during pregnancy their pregnancy also proved to be true in her case.
"Gülüm " he cupped her face.
She looked at him with puppy eyes that could melt him easily.
" sit down" he pulled a chair for Sibel to sit down and sat beside her on another chair himself. Now tell me what's in your mind? He patted her palm.
I want something. Plz don't say no.
Ramo smiled.
My wife rarely wants something for me for herself. How can i say no.
Sibel pressed her lips together. She couldn't return the smile. In her heart, she prayed to God that he will not be offended by whatever she will say next.
"I don't want maternity leave so soon. I want to work. She broke the much- heightened suspense. Ramo looked at her as if grew horns.
" you don't need to Gülüm." It's your time to rest and enjoy, Ramo said,I read somewhere that pregnant women feel lazy at times. And then there are women who have to work when they are pregnant just to fill their mouths.
When you have everything under your fingertips why do you want to stress yourself?
Sibel kissed the back of his palm.ironically, the warmth she felt in his touch was enough boost to debate against him.
"I may feel lazy in the upcoming months, i may not need to work to fill my mouth, but it doesn't mean I don't want to.Ramo don't misunderstand me , it's not like I'm trying to differentiate your money and my money, we are one so are our things, it's just that i feel kind of different as I'm letting you decide for my company.
Ramo was confused. What do you mean by different?
" Bak ramo" I'm sure you won't like it if i go to Ramo's industries tomorrow and treat your employees the way i am used to treat mine. You won't like it if I come up with my own strategies to handle whatever crises your company may face.similarly, i am not comfortable with letting you deal with my company, she explained.
You don't trust me? Ramo asked removing his hand from sibel's hold.
Sibel felt disheartened, thats the one thing she feared to hear.
I trust you more than anyone Ramo. I just want to continue to work and handle my company by myself. Sibel stated.
Ramo took a few long minutes to grasp sibel's word.initially he felt hurt by sibel's words. He assumed there was a lack of trust.yet now he understood where Sibel was coming from, he struggled to let her work at this stage.work meant stress. He was worried that he will let her be away from his eyes for a second and she will land herself and their baby in a tough spot.
Sibel you know the baby state? Ramo reminded.
You think I'll do anything that harms our baby? Sibel asked.
She stood up, looked at him with her furious eyes and a red nose.Ramo tried to hold her, but she seemed too hyper to left herself fit into  Ramo's arms.
I didn't mean that, but i am just to protective about you two. I don't want any harm reach you or our baby.
By now Sibel struggled to fightback her tears. Ramo hated this characteristic of her. She couldn't be just so weak.
Don't, he used  a stern  tone as he wiped her tears, you can't convince me by crying every time sibel.
Sibel squeezed her eyes tight to stop crying. She began, i am sorry, I don't mean to.
Okay now tell me what happens if i say you can't work? Ramo asked the question he well knew the answer to.
"I will work. You may be Mr.best husband, but you don't get to decide everything on my behalf," she replied in breakdown voice.
Ramo cupped her face, then what's there to cry? You will do whatever you want. I have no say in this.
An elated Sibel was about to hug Ramo when he stopped her much to her own disappointment.
"Hang on" he said, you may work but have few conditions.
What now?
I want to make sure that you don't take stress to much, rest as you need, and eat properly,
He explained. So what i am about to do now may seem like i am interfering, but only then i will happily agree to you working in pregnancy.
Sibel was confused if she would frown on statement or not. She meant when she said that he doesn't get to decided on her behalf, yet she couldn't just say no to Ramo and offended him again and again. Okay I won't.
" you said something good or bad, I still don't understand "
What are you going to do now?
Wait and watch , he pecked her lips.
Sibel spent the next hour in the break room as she waited for Ramo to come
Back. Many or her employees congratulated her. Earlier she decided to hide her pregnancy but now that Ramo was running employees around to make her office into something he called pregnancy- friendly, there was no point or chance for her to hide it.
Ramo was back by the end of the hour. He grabbed her hand and led her to her cabin the first thing. Her coffee machine was not there, she was not addict but two or three cups a day felt relieving. Thus, the absence of the machine was a disappointment. Sibel noticed a fruit basket on her desk, a big flexible cushion on her revolving chair and call button to her right. When she admiring the thought behind all this, she heard the click of door, Sibel noticed A king size bed inside the room. She sighed.
What was the need to arrange a bed? She asked.
You promised to let me do what i want, Ramo reminded, and your assistant told me the room was unused., so i just put that to some use. Sibel walked closer to him. He welcomed her with open arms.
"This cushion is so that your back doesn't pain, the fruits so you get appropriate  amount of vitamins and minerals, if you press the call button as instructed one of your staff will come to attend you the instant.
I have thrown coffee machine so you don't get to much caffeine, and the bed so you can rest. With all said i have specific instructions for you too.
You are going to take fifteen minutes breaks every two hours, eat something light, oh yeah never skip lunch no matter how busy you are, call me from time to time and miss me.
Sibel had no words to express her feelings at the moment. He was just the best she could get. She was so lucky. When a single word didn't come from her mouth, she could only kiss his cheeks to show her gratitude.

To be continued.....

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