Baby Kicked

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Four more months, Four more months, Ramo seemed to chant these three words like a phrase day and night ever since the video diary incident haunted him.
After round ten more trails, Sibel finally made a cheesy entry in the diary. He couldn't watch it more than thirty seconds. He wondered how his child  would react when the latter grows up and is made to watch these corny videos.
Ramo stopped his chants as soon as he caught sight of her.
What's going on? She asked.
Nothing, he lied.
Why do i feel like you are lying.
Ramo cursed the woman sixth sense.pregnancy changed everything except for the one thing he wanted to change.
No, he faked a cough, why would i lie gülüm.
Sibel crossed her arms across her chest and spoke, Answer my question first.
Ramo furrowed his brows, What Gülüm. Your mood swings scare me these days. I don't know how to answer that question.
Mr Ramazan are giving up? I didn't expect this from you.
Ramo rolled his eyes again. Sibel ignored it all and sat beside him with her legs on top of the other.
Hey! He screamed.
What? She asked in a  hushed tone, his tone literally scared her, there was no fire around, was there?
Keep these legs straight, he placed her leg that was on top of the other on the bed.
Ohhh jeeez! I want to end this pregnancy to end soon so that i can sit properly, there was hint of annoyance in sibel's voice.
"Feelings are Mutual mam" he mumbled, for a different reason.
Do you say something? She asked.
No baby, he shook his head relentlessly.
Crackers, sibel demanded.
Ramo nodded and pulled the second drawer on the beside table to reveal stacks and stacks of chips, crackers and chocolate.
He chuckled, people say children change a man to no extent.
What wrong do they say?Sibel asked.
Truth is pregnant wife changes a man to something entirely else.Ramo said.
Sibel slapped his shoulder.
I am saying the truth. Like me Ramzan kaya, did you ever imagine that my beside table would contain food?
She laughed, well that he was right.However the compromises he made as little as agreeing to keep food in his room beside his bed, were cute.
So sweet, she pulled his cheeks which made him frown.
Gülüm please, he tried his best to not seem annoyed.
Cut my nails plz!
Ramo sighed, so thatwas was the matter. He stood up from the bed and went near the dresser to bring the cutter. Sibel's growing bump made it difficult for her to reach her feet.
She could still make it if she tried, but then the doctor too asked her not  to place pressure on her belly.Thus, ramo had to do little things like cutting her nails, and he did so without any complaints, without getting annoyed or feeling irritated.
Next you have to paint my nails, sibel said in a matter of fact Manner.
Why don't you take a day off and chill at spa. They will taka care of your pedicure.
Sibel hummed,  there is something in the spa that makes me want to puke.
You puked in spa? He was surprised.
Ewww, i went in, wanted to puke and went out. I would hate to make fun of myself .
He phewed. After cutting her nails. He went back to bring the nail paint.
Which colour? He asked.
Bring all of them.
Ramo thought she would decide on one colour after seeing all of them. Without asking more questions he brought all her nail paints.
Sibel dug through her collection to take out variety of different colors. Ramo waited for moments for her to decide on one color.
This blue one,she handed him, he immediately opened it and began to paint her big toe of right foot.
Before he could proceed to paint the right long toe, she stopped him and handed the green paint.
Ramo looked at her in horror and she just smiled.
You don't like blue anymore? Ramo struggled to speak.
Nothing like that. I want blue here and green there.she pointed  at her big toe and long toe respectively.
Aşkım, do it fast, then you have to paint my left big toe red, left long toe yellow, right middle toe sliver, right ring toe golden, left ring toe pink cyan and left pink cyan.
La- havle! He exclaimed. It's a month to hallowen, woman!
Sibel frowned, you don't listen to me these days. I am pregnant not mad that you will stop listening to me. I want  my nails to look beautiful and you want to spoil it for me.
Gülüm your nails are beautiful just like they are. You don't need to paint them in different colors for it to look good. He was clearly scared as he said that  and it reflected in his voice.
No, No, No I want them as i told you.if you don't want , the give them to me, i will do  them myself no matter the pressure on my belly.
Gülüm you are taking an unfair advantage of my care, he said strictly. You know it very well that i will never allow you to do that.
Ramo lütfen?
No puppy face, he said in advance because knew that was what she planned to try.
She crossed her arms  across her chest letting him know about her annoyance.
Ramo sighed in failure to cope up with her demands, bak today let's paint them all blue. Then we will use all the colors as you wish in the next few weeks. I promise.
Sibel did not speak. She remained in the disappointment zone.
Sounds like a plan? He asked for confirmation.
You give no other option, she replied with a cute pout.
Suddenly sibel's eyes seemed like they will almost come out of their socket. There was a small moment she felt under her palm.
Did what was that? Did baby kick? Ramo stammered.
Sibel nodded . Ramo chuckled.
He placed his both palms on her belly so he could feel.
I felt my baby movement, Ramo exclaimed in joy.
We felt it together, Sibel corrected him.
Ramo nodded,how does it feel from inside?
Like Gass bubbles. She replied.
Our baby kicked. Ramo's happiness knew no bounds. Sibel was not yet over the surprise to really feel anything.
She grabbed his collar" what you really think is clear to me today ramo" you never wanted this child, Right? You lied to me after taking a decision in a hurry and destroyed our lives.
(sounds like toprak😆)
Get ready for emotional ride.

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