Chapter 13: Pinky Swear

Comenzar desde el principio

"Okay" she sighed and hugged me

"What a beautiful day" I stretch my hands as I woke up before my alarm clock rang, an achievement. I went home late last night since I didn't know I passed out and slept beside Joo-hyun cuddling her.

I got up from bed and did my usual morning routine. I'm flipping pancakes humming to Blackpink and Dua Lipa's song kiss and make up while swaying my hips when a phone call interrupted my mini concert.

I answered the phone abruptly not looking at the caller ID since I'm mad, how dare you ruin my mini concert!


"Not a good way to talk to your mother Lisa"

"Uhm...... Mom?" I looked at the caller ID and mentally facepalmed myself for not looking at it

"Good morning to you too sweetie" she replied sarcastically

"Sorry, I was just.... Nevermind, uh good morning mom. Why are you calling?"

"Can't I call my daughter?"

"Of course you can, but why did you call?"

"Because you're not calling us, and everytime we call you're busy!"

"I'm sorry, you know school made me busy now job makes me busy"

"Can't you just go back here in Thailand? Your dad and I misses you"

"I can't mom, I love my job here and I made friends. I miss you guys too"

"I know you'll say that, that's why..........."

"Mom, spill it"

"That's why we decided to visit you" she squealed and and I have to move the phone away from my ear

"Really? When?" I jumped excitedly

"Tomorrow, your dad and I will leave tonight so we'll arrive at the airport on the morning"

"Great! I'll see you at the airport then"

"It's okay sweetheart, we can just call a cab. You have a job"

"No, I'll just request to move my shift at night so I could meet you guys in the morning plus you don't know where my apartment is"

"Sure hon!"

"I really want you guys to meet someone, you'll be surprised when you see her"

"Whoever that'd be I'm excited to meet her"

"Okay. See you mom"

"See you too baby, bye"


I grinned after I ended the call. "What a beautiful da--" I cough when I inhaled a smoke coming out from a pan. Damn my pancakes.

"Good morning Nurse Taeyeon!" I greeted her with a smile on my face

"Good morning Lisa, what's with that smile you're scaring me"

"Uhm... Can I ask for something?"


"Uh... Can I have a night shift tomorrow instead of day? I have to fetch my parents from the airport" I looked at her pleadingly "Pleaseeee"

"Okay, okay. How can I say no if you ask me like that" she chuckled "Just go to that HR or something"

"Thanks Nurse Taeyeon, you're the best" I gave her two thumbs up and walked away

I went to Joo-hyun's room and knocked twice at her door "Come in" she shouted

"You know you could just enter the room right?" she said squinting her eyes on me

"I know, but I still have to knock" I noticed her holding her pencil and sketch pad at her hand "What are you drawing?" I asked and went beside her

"I haven't drawn yet, I'm looking for an inspiration"

"I'm here" I said and lied down in front of her and posed "Draw me like one of your French girls" I said dramatically

She laughed loudly and slapped my butt

"By the way I won't be here tomorrow morning, I'll have night shift instead" I stated

"Really? Why?"

"I have to fetch my parents at the airport, but don't worry I'll be here probably an hour or so before my night shift starts"

"Then be careful"

"I will, and I want you to meet my parents. I kind of told my mom about meeting someone" I said unsurely

"So we're on the meet the parents base now?" she looked at me teasingly

"We are" I said and kissed her lips

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