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⚠️blood, fighting, swear words⚠️

Clay got out of his crutches, and he wasn't gonna miss them at all. It would be nice going back to games and practice. Clay walked into school and felt the relief of walking regularly again. Then Clay saw and big crowd by his locker that was close to George's.

George was in big trouble. Logan slammed George against his locker and Sapnap had to watch.

"Logan stop!" Sapnap yelled.

George's eyes started to tear up, he wanted this day to be over...

"Logan!" Sapnap yelled.

Then some guy George didn't recognize quickly dropped his bag and punched Logan in the face and he let go of George. Logan fell to the floor.

George quickly got out of the way and went towards Sapnap...

Then George recognized who it the guy beating up Logan was...

"Clay?" George whispered.

Clay was on top of Logan and continued to punch him. Logan nose started to bleed, then he started to fight back. Logan started to fight back he got Clay in the nose enough for his nose to bleed, then Logan aimed for Clays chest. Clay kept getting punched in the stomach and the nose then Clay started swinging punches harder and harder. Clay aimed for Logan's face, both of them were a bleeding mess now. Everyone was chanting the word fight, people were filming the fight. And no one stopped the fight...

Logan pushed Clay off of him and Clay fell back. Before Logan could stand up Clay stood up and cracked his knuckles. Blood was on the floor, a lot was on the floor from both of them. Clay got back to punching Logan. Everyone was screaming the word fight.

George had been shocked, Clay saving him again but this time it was worse. Way worse. And George had to watch...

The principal came running through the crowd and started to pull Clay off of Logan. Once Clay was off Logan, Logan stood up.

"You love picking a fight Clay don't you!" Logan said.

"Hell yeah keep that broken nose of yours as a memory that you are a jackass" Clay yelled trying to get out of the principal's grasp.

"I know damn well your aren't talking to me!" Logan yelled.

"Yeah I am motherfucker!" Clay yelled back.

"That's enough both of you in my office now!" The principal yelled.

The fight was bad. Logan had a broken nose, a non stop bloody bruised nose, a bleeding lip, and many bruises everywhere...

Clays nose was dripping blood staining his white shirt, and underneath his shirt was slightly bleeding it looked like. Clay had a bruise on his cheekbone, and his knuckles were bloody for punching so much...

End of school...

Clay and Logan both got a week suspension...

George started to walk to Clays house. George knew Clay's address only because he lived nearby. George walked up to Clays house and started to knock on the door. Then a familiar six foot three guy opened the door. George looked slightly up at Clay, he was shirtless his abs were filled with purple bruises and dried blood...

"Hi" George said.

"Come in" Clay opened the door wider and moved to the side, then George walked in and Clay closed the door.

"Can I get you anything to drink?" Clay asked.

"No thank you" George sat down at the thin table with high chairs.

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