You get hurt Pt1

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- Would think you're joking at first but when he sees that you're crying and in terrible pain, he feels bad

- Starts to panic with you and takes you to the hospital

- You ended up with a broken arm


- Panics more than you he doesn't know what to do

- The fact you're in more pain than him yet he seems to be struggling to understand what you're saying as you're giving him instructions

- You ended up with a broke leg and an almost broke George  (he's colorblind leave him alone/j 🙄🤚)


- Just like dream he thinks that you're joking and will laugh at you because seeing you fall over is entertaining to him 😃

- Starts to feel bad when he realizes that you're in real pain, takes you to the hospital

- You ended up with a strained ankle


- Gets worried and asks what happened, you told him that it was nothing but he still took you to the hospital

- Along the way he kept asking if you were alright or how you got injured

- End up with a sprained wrist


- Laughs a bit but I'll picks you back up, jokes about the fact you fell but then turns serious, checking for cuts

- You complain that you have some pin on your arm so he takes you to the hospital just to check that you were alright

- Broken arm


- They try to get you before you fall but they were a bit too late

- Doesn't really panic if the injury isn't too bad, but she would be more worried than panicked, try's their best to calm you down

- Ended up with a broken leg

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