They catch you sneaking out

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You guys are just friends in this chapter, so you're not dating



- He was up either watching a movie or playing games so of course he caught you

- He had his door open and saw you trying to sneak don the hall

- He questioned why you were dressed and you questioned him back on why he had his door open at 2 am when it's dark

- He let you go this once and said to text him when you're arriving or leaving the destination


- He was sleeping so he didn't really catch you

- But you decided to sneak out the back door since the front door makes too much noise

- You accidentally dropped a pot and it woke George up which lead to you getting caught at 2am

- He didn't really care as long as you were safe and told him when you arrived at your destination


- You didn't have to keep it a secret he's going with you anyways cuz he's gonna find out anyways 🙄🤚

- He comes along with you and you guys have a great time together

- You both tools lots of pics and posted some on social media

- Overall you don't really have to sneak out and not tell him unless it's dangerous and if he knows it's not safe for you, you'll just stay home


- Was very hesitate about letting you go out at 2 am when it's really dark and it could be dangerous

- You assured him that it's safe and that your friend was gonna pick you up

- He let's you go but he texts you every hour to make sure you're safe

- He might even pick you up from your destination just to make sure


- He already knows 😃

- That man hears everything and of course he heard your call with your friends, the plan for when you're gonna sneak out

- When you were about to leave out the back door, Wilbur was just sitting in the dark waiting for you 🤠

- He scared you by turning on the light and giving you a jumó scare but yea he still let you go out either way


- He's going with you 😎

- No way in hell is he letting you go out with people he doesn't know, he does it because he cares for your safety

- Also because if it's a party then they're coming along either way

- If he can't go with you because he has something to fo like sleep then he makes you promise them that you'll text them


- You woke her up from her beauty sleep 🙄🤚

- You dropped something and she panicked thinking someone broke in, you scared the poor girl

- She let you go out but she told you to stay safe and to not stay out that long

- You brought her breakfast :)


- He comes along 😺

- He said that he was bored and couldn't sleep so he insisted that he should come along with you

- You didn't want him to come with you but in the end he just followed you

- You both went to stores, parks, skateparks, patty's you weren't invited to, etc


- He didn't know at first but eventually found out

- He was also hesitate at first because he was scared you were gonna get hurt or kidnapped

- You stayed with him for a bit before telling him you need to go out

- But you didn't leave because it was cuddle time and Karl didn't want you to


- He had a whole plan on how he should confront you

- When he did confront you, he didn't let you leave the house 🙄

- Said it was dangerous and that old creepy people were out

- He didn't want you to get hurt in anyway so he insisted that you should stay and you did

𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐨 (𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜)

- He knew 😃

- Just like Wilbur he stood in the dark and waited for you

- But he waited outside the door for you so he could scare tf out of you because this man is like 6'6 🤠

- You almost got a heart attack 😎

𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐲 (𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜)

- He wanted to come along but you said no

- He kinda threw a tantrum and threatened to tell your parents so you had to take the child 👺

- You guys did have an amazing time and came home later than you planned

- Almost got in trouble

𝐓𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐨 (𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜)

- Just like Tommy he wanted to come along

- You brought him along since you both had some trouble sleeping

- You bought slushees and lots of candy

- You guys stole a stop sign

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