How they wake you up pt1

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Thank you guys so much for 5k :))
Really appreciate it



- Simple, he just goes to your room and shakes you a bit, probably will yell at you to wake the hell up

- If you're late you would either blame him or he would give you reasons on why it was your fault instead of his

- If you don't wake up, he will shake you as violently as possible 🤠


- He would probably jump on you 😃

- Yea you thought you were getting robbed, you threw hands and ended up hitting him in the face with your fist

- He pretended to fake cry, but that didn't stop him from still jumping on you 


- Probably hugs and kisses your forehead before waking you up

- Then jumps on you which of course wakes you up, and he would shower your face with kisses

- You would be kinda annoyed that he jumped on you but you love him 🙄🤚


- He always has breakfast ready, most of the time you would wake up to the smell of food (idk if this man can cook so just imagine he cooks like a chef 👺)

- Sometimes he would jump on you, not too hard that he hurts you but enough to wake you up

- He showers you with kisses and good mornings


- Depends on his moods

- He would either shake you until you're awake, stare at you, or just whisper to you telling you to wake up

- Either way he would always have breakfast for you


- Sometimes  you would wake up before them, or you would wake up with them holding you close while they watch the tv

- She would always cook breakfast for you, you love it when you both cook together

- He always gives you morning kisses


- She wakes you up in the most sweetest way possible

- She would shake you lightly, whisper to you thing you to way up, sometimes she'll just hug you until you wake up

- Morning kisses :)

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