When you see them upset pt1

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My sleep deprived self can't do it all in one part 

So two parts again, but I'll promise to post the pt2 as soon as I can :D   



- He doesn't like to admit that he's upset as he doesn't wanna be seen as a vulnerable person because he wouldn't want someone to take advantage of that and hurt him 

- He tries his best to hide it but you always find out and you comfort him in any good way that you can to help him

- You would set some comfy place on the living room to watch his fav movie 


- He would often keep to himself as he doesn't wanna seem as a burden to you

- But you will immediately notice a difference in his attitude and emotion, you always reassure him  that he isn't a burden and that he can always come to you whenever he has a problem  

- It takes a few months when you start dating for him to open up fully, but you're always there for him 


- He would tell you it's not important and no big deal

- But you can clearly see that he's upset so you reassure him that if he was upset he could always come to you no matter what

- After that he would always just come to you and hug you so you already knew that he was sad or in a bad mood 


- He would ALWAYS come to you as soon as his mood goes down

- He trusts you a lot that he's comfortable to show his vulnerable side to you

- You do get a bit overprotective you him because it's rare for him to get upset and sad so ofc you try to make sure no one hurts him even further 


- He trust you a lot just like Sam

- Seeing him upset just makes you upset as well because his smile always brightens your day and his laugh 

- So you would just pull him into a tight hug, brush his hair with your hand, and wait until he tells you why he's upset 


- He's always open about his feelings and emotions with you which makes you important 

- You guys would get in a safe comfort space that Eret felt home in and talk about his problems 

- You would try to think of some advice to give him and even convince them to not stream for a bit so that they feel better 


- Seeing Niki crying or really upset is probably one of the worst things 

- She was always so cheerful, happy, and always smiling so seeing her in such a hurtful state hurt you too 

- You would try your best by giving her fav snacks, her blankets, more hugs, going to a park, or even her favorite place to lighten up her mood

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