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Update 14
Word count: 1860

"Harshad just back off!" I said. I was already pissed because of the chocolate and this fellow now wanted to prove that he was a hero.
"What you think you're gonna do?" He asked standing infront of me.

"Harshad please not now. Leave us alone." Nandini said.
"Why're you pleading him all the time?" I stated angrily.
"Manik no! Not now." She said and pulled me from there.
She took her things and we started to move towards the parking lot.

"What a typical girlfriend you're Nandini. Manipulative, dominating, bossy bi-"
And I punched right on his face.
"Wow Manik. This was your best. And which magic spell you used Nandini?" He chuckled and Nandini held my arm.
"Manik let's go. He's doing it deliberately. He's provoking you." She said and  managed to pull me behind.

I looked at her and calmed down a bit. It was her birthday and my surprise was yet pending. So deciding to deal with that jerk later, we started to move away when he again intervened.
"Cast that spell on me too Nandini. I'll see how much I will have control over myself from touching you." He smirked and that's it.

I held his collar and dragged to a wall. I hit him so hard that blood started oozing from his mouth.
"Manik no! Stop." She came between us. I didn't give any heed to her. All that I remembered was this fucking asshole had insulted my lady.
"Common Manik. Rip his head." I heard Mukti screaming.

"Mukti! What are you doing? I called you so that you'll help me." Nandini screamed.
"Nandini just stay out of this. That bloody jerk need to learn a lesson to keep his mouth shut." She replied and I could see Nandini letting out a defeated sigh.
But she came between us. She held my hand and tried to pull me back.

But in the process, Harshad held her shoulder and her top tore due to his grip. He pushed her and Nandini fell down. Mukti immediately came near her.
"Nandini!" I went near her and made her sit upright.
"I'm fine Manik." She said. Her shoulder started bleeding.

Harshad now started stammering.
"It..happens.. I didn't wantedly.." He said covering his fear. I shot a glance at him and then at Nandini. She was scared and pleaded me through her eyes not lose my cool. But Harshad had seriously crossed the line.

As I went near him, he ran behind and I started following him. Running around the campus, he halted again back in the canteen. I took out money and put it in the vending mission. Breaking the iron basket, I took out my bag and filled the coke cans inside it. Mukti and Dhruv were looking at me confused while Alya was now treating Nandini's cut.

"Run as fast as you can." I said and gritted my teeth. He called other seniors. Smirking I hit each one of them until they blacked out. The coke bag now became wet so I threw it and ran behind Harshad who was now trying to hide like a coward.

We reached the middle of the campus and I hit him very badly. Students started coming out of their classrooms. One of our seniors brought a lecturer along with him.
"Sir please stop him or else he'll kill Harshad." He said and the lecturer came near me.
"Manik! Manik stop! Control yourself." He pulled me back and finally I let Harshad breathe.

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