Chapter 29 - Farm Life

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Sandeep Ghosh had decided not to take that flight back to Delhi, and then the pandemic had hit, which was both a blessing and a curse for him; of course, he worried about family members, back home, but if he had left, he might not have been allowed back in to take his place on Izzati II.

As it was, his India Space Company pass allowed him to seek refuge on the SEASA compound after national lockdown was announced. As he was not officially on the Izzati program, only there as an international observer, he could not offer his assistance. Instead, for his free bed and board, he volunteered in the laundry. It kept him busy, stopped him thinking about Ridhima 24/7, and he met some nice people in there, including Elizabeth Henderson.

In the canteen, one lunchtime, Sandeep was recognized by Director Leo Dovo, who came across to his table to express his pleasure that the man had not left them, like all the other representatives of non-flying countries had. Dovo pointed out that it was a good bit of luck that he hadn't excluded himself by leaving, and Sandeep nodded enthusiastically, as if it had never occurred to him until that second.

'Listen, Sandeep,' said Dovo, sitting himself down. 'We believe the Izzati is very close to the desired destination. We heard that Dr Ghosh is performing her duties admirably. All is well.'

'So, no report of a landing yet?'

'Not as yet. But we expect it any day now. How are you keeping yourself busy, old chap? Using the gymnasium? Do you play golf?'

'Golf? I have played golf, but not here.'

'We have a gorgeous ten-hole course, as I'm sure you know. Why don't we go out this afternoon?'

'I'd like that very much, Director Dovo.'

'Good. I'll send my secretary to get you at, what, two pm, shall we say? I'll provide you with some clubs, to be sure. Until then, Sandeep.'

Sandeep watched Dovo head off to be served his lunch. He turned to Elizabeth, and three other members of the laundry team. 'I'm off to play golf.'

'Hmmmm,' smirked Elizabeth. 'I hope you know how to lose without making it look obvious.'

Out on the golf course, Sandeep realized that Dovo needed no assistance in winning the game; the man was an excellent golfer. Sandeep was very impressed with the set of golf clubs he had been loaned - they were made of the finest bamboo.

Dovo sank another twelve-foot putt to win the hole. The sun was shining, sparkling off the Izzati II, to the west of them, and a delightful breeze was coming in off the South China Sea.

'Heavenly place,' sighed Dovo. 'If it wasn't for these virus annoyances, we would never even think of leaving here.'

Sandeep thought about all the religious wars and the famines, but decided to agree with a deep nod of the head. They moved on to the next hole.

'Mr Dovo, I thought the Izzati II was to be re-named after your good self?'

'Oh, there was some chatter from other people about that.' He lapsed into a momentary lull, thinking about John Tian's fate. 'But there is no place for individual vanity here on the Izzati program. Nobody here wants to stand out from the crowd. We're a team. Oh, maybe future transports can be named after music stars or politicians, perhaps.'

They both hit the fifth fairway and set off walking.

'But talking about fame, Sandeep. I hear they are erecting statues all over India in honour of your wife.'

'Yes, I heard. It's only a shame I'll never get to see one.'

'Ah, but new statues of the crew will be erected in time, once we establish new cities. It must be a great bind to be so far apart from your wife.'

'Yes, I'm so proud of her. Is it your shot first, by the way? I love my wife so much. I simply can't wait to rejoin her and carry on with our happy lives.'

'Good man. That's the attitude.'

Dinah and Dmitry settled in well at the Waterloo farm. They quickly cleared out their cottage of the junk and builders' material and repainted inside. They took on several chores; Dmitry got his own off-road quad bike, in which to take feed out to the cattle, and Dinah was taught the art of milking. It was lambing season, and the ex-veterinary students Oleg-Paul and Liza handled all that, themselves, much to the newcomers' relief.

The two couples got on great together. The days were very busy, so they were never under each other's feet. In the evening they shared the cooking duties. Then they played cards or a board game. Or read books and talked. There was a lot of beer and wine stockpiled, so they had their own little world where nobody bothered them. Neighbouring farmers were keeping themselves to themselves, as well. They had been doing that, anyway, due to the animal virus. But there was still friendly conversation whenever tractors came a bit close, or sheep were being moved down a certain track.

Dinah and Dmitry got themselves suntans and grew their hair out, but not to Oleg-Paul's dreadlock style. They just relaxed, got fitter and healthier, basically enjoyed the country lifestyle.

Cases of the animal flu had leveled off, according to the news, but the cities remained in lockdown. It was still a very frightening event. Occasionally, Dinah would worry about her mother in England, or wonder what stage her father was at, on his journey. Hopefully, there would be a vaccine before the time came to make the trip. That's if Dmitry didn't persuade her that they were better off staying where they were. But, however much she loved being there with him, she still longed to make the space flight. She wanted to be reunited with her Daddy.

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