Chapter 25 - Landing Party

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The land mass that was visible from all angles aboard the Izzati appeared to be dry, dusty and inhospitable.

'Remind you of Australia, at all, Roach?' joked Ezra.

It was more like a coastal area than a desert, with interspersed patches of either green or purple foliage. The sky was clear, but definitely had that unusual stormy hue to it. The Izzati computer tested the oxygen level (the atmosphere in general) and declared it to be thin but safe.

Roach and Medina manned the upper guns, while the exploration party got themselves ready. Ezra put a lock-knife in his pocket and a rucksack containing ammunition and food into the back of the jeep. He shouldered his automatic rifle by the strap and turned to face Inggrid, who was to be left in charge of the ship while Ari was outside. She now wore a pistol in a holster.

'Good luck, Inggrid.'

'I wish more luck to you, Ezra.'

Farrah was waiting at the air lock control panel. Ezra watched the arrival of Cerys, Professor Birney and Dr Ghosh, all bearing mini-back packs. When Ari came down the stairs, they were good to go. First, they all put on their headsets, so they could stay in communications with Inggrid, in the cockpit. Ezra went into the air lock with the jeep, while the others stood in the first air lock. Farrah sealed them up, then when she saw thumbs-up from both rooms, she opened them up to the outside. Ramps descended; one group stood and took it all in, before walking down to the ground, while Ezra drove the jeep down.

Ezra stood from the jeep. The hull of the Izzati towered above him like a ship that had just docked in a port. He found himself looking at the ground on which he was standing, feeling fairly emotional about what he had just achieved in his life. Cerys' face was alive with the excitement of where they were. The others were looking about them. There was hilly, darker ground to the left, while the other side stretched away to a very distant horizon. Cerys moved alongside Ezra, even though there was clearly no immediate threat.

'Turn and pose for the camera,' he teased.


'It's very quiet. No wind. I like it, though.'

'No birds.'

Ezra tried communicating with Inggrid. 'Inggrid, can you hear me?'

'Loud and clear,' came the reply.

He waved up to her in the cockpit.

Ari had set them down on a small plateau. It took about a minute to walk to an edge, where they could look down on a greener, lusher environment.

'If I'm not mistaken, Professor,' said Dr Ghosh, pointing, 'But that looks like water.'

'Yes, Doctor! That's where I need to be. Please, Ari.'

They headed down that way, with Ezra on point, his weapon carried loosely before him. They progressed down the hillside, Cerys bringing up the rear.

'What's that awful smell?' asked Cerys.

'Hopefully not the river water,' replied Professor Birney.

Once the ground levelled out, they were able to see the strange types of plant-life and small trees. Some of the trees bore fruit, which would need to be evaluated at some point. Ezra grinned to himself; another thing he wouldn't be volunteering for. Suddenly there was movement in the trees, near to the river. Ezra brought up his weapon. They moved cautiously. There were creatures there, apparently grazing.

'They might be hostile,' whispered Ezra. 'If I engage them, head straight back up the way we came.'

Ezra took them closer. The smell was grossly unpleasant, by then, though none of them could relate it to anything they had ever known before. The river water was a swirling mix of both clear and purplish colours, yet bizarrely looked perfectly fresh and drinkable. Then they saw the first cluster of alien creatures. They were cow-like, dark in colour, happily grazing along the riverbank. They appeared totally docile creatures, showing no interest in the new arrivals.

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