The finale

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{No ones P.O.V.}

Alberto sits down next to Luca. There was a long silence until Alberto finally started to talk.
"Hey Luca I'm really sorry for what I did, I should've known it would have made you uncomfortable, If you don't wanna be friends anymore that's understandable." Alberto started tearing up at that last remark he didn't know what he'd do without Luca and the thought of him not wanting to be his friend made him really upset.
"No no I still wanna be your friend I-I'm not upset I was just scared and I didn't know what to do" Luca didn't know how or if he should confess.
"B-but isn't it awkward since I... kissed you, if your uncomfortable I don't want you to force anything."
"Alberto I- I don't know what to do I have so many things I wanna tell you but I don't know how" Luca started panicking and working completely on impulse. He grabbed Alberto by his shirt and pulled him in for a kiss. At fist Alberto was shocked but quickly melted in to it. It only lasted a few seconds but when the boys pulled away each of there faces where red.
"I- but you- but you ran away, why did you run away?" Alberto said a bit confused and flustered due to what just happened.
"I was scared so many emotions have built up over time I just didn't know what to feel so I ran." Luca confessed still being as flustered as Alberto.
"I thought you didn't want to be my friend anymore, you really scared me" He softly chuckled while grabbing Luca's hand.
"Yeah your right I don't wanna be your friend anymore I'd rather be your boyfriend!" Luca squeezes Albertos hand.
"Yeah I'd like that" Alberto responds. Massimo then peaked his head around the corner.
"Are you two little lovebirds done"
"Oh yeah I think we have everything sorted out" Alberto said giving Luca a small smile.

Years in the Future
Luca finished school and Alberto saved up enough money for that Vespa. Luca got a job involving space and astronomy that allows him to travel and Alberto works small jobs like a mechanic and fishing. Luca and Alberto travel as far as they can with there Vespa from time to time. But every summer they find there way back to Portorosso to visit some old friends.


Seriously thank you guys so much for the support. This was so much fun to write and so much fun to interact with everyone here. I'll definitely be writing a lot more so if you liked this and would like to read more of my works stay tuned it'll come eventually. Also to keep me motivated I've decided to start using body doubles so when no one else is able to call at 3am when I write I'll go live on twitch and answer some of your guy's questions my username is mothlikesfrogs13. Also as said in the last update my Snapchat and Instagram are always available for you guys to chat with me so don't be afraid if you wanna be friends or just wanna talk. Thanks for all the love and support bye :]

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