No update today

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There's been another delay. I split my time with my parents and today I went from my dads to my moms so it was a bit stressful to try and squeeze out a chapter today. But don't worry the next part is coming soon, I already have an idea of what I'm doing with it. Also I wanna try and address something with this and all of my future fics that have minors in them. With most ships that have minors I try to keep smut or anything spicy out of it. Like in this fic Alberto and Luca are only 13 and 14 and even though I am this age and have been doing ✨stuff✨ I would rather not write that about them since they are still children and I prefer not to project my sexual experiences on them and publish it. I don't find it wrong if you age them up and create a story and it has plot but when you age them up just for smut that's when I find it weird. Now these are just my opinions I honestly don't care what anyone else does this is just my look on it and what I'm comfortable with. This also doesn't mean there won't be anything sexual in it, it'll just be very light and experimental like how most teens there age are. This also doesn't mean I won't write smut it's just as long as the characters are aged appropriately. Thank you for reading this all the way through if you did and I apologize for not having the next chapter out. ALSO THANK YOU FOR OVER 1000 VEIWS ON THIS FIC I NEVER EXPECTED IT TO GET SO FAR✨🎉

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