"Professor Lupin said that he would give you extra credit and not to worry about. I do believe that Snape had prepared extra homework for you, though. McGonagall said she would catch you up." Lee looked confusedly at his hand as he stuck out a  finger for each professor.

"Oh, how I love you for keeping track for me." She went to clap her hands together in joy before realizing that her arm was still healing.

"Honey, when have I ever let you down?"

"Never. I wonder if I could just go and pick up the homework now. That way it's done and out of the way."


~Third-Person Pov~

After Y/n ate, she decided it would be best if she picked up her homework, or at least see if she missed anything important in her classes. 

She had already gone to McGonagall's class, where she got a parchment of simple spells, and a page number of their textbooks to read over. She went down to the dungeons to ask Snape next. That way, she got her interaction with him done as soon as possible.

"Professor, are you in here?" She peeked her head into the door, slightly pressing her injured arm against the wall. "Ow."

"Yes, Miss. Wood?" He muttered.

"I was wondering if I possibly missed anything that I need to make up today." 

"I bet you enjoyed yourself, yes? Skipping class. School isn't all fun in games. There's more important things in life than Quidditch. "

"Yes, I know, Professor, but I wasn't skipping class. I was down in the hospital wing."

"Most likely because you did something 'fun' again."

Well, yes, quidditch is fun and that's why I was down there.  Y/n contemplated saying, but thought it was best not to. Instead, she settled on "I got injured during Quidditch, sir. Madam Pomfrey said I had passed out. I didn't wake up until classes were finished for the day. Surely you can understand that?"

"There are many excuses to be used for your absents today, Miss. Wood. Maybe next time, try saying that you overslept? That one doesn't seem to work either, does it? You used that one last year quite often." 

Y/n took a deep breath. "At least I tell the truth. I don't just run my mouth on unnecessary excuses. I don't see why I would fake my own injury to get out of class. I would have much rather spent the day in class than in pain, Professor." 

"Of course, how could I be silly? I mean, you are just like your father. Overly confident, enthusiastic, competitive, and an attention seeker. The best way to describe the family name. Your brother is just the same. I can't see why your mother married such a ruthless man." Her jaw tightened.

"I really don't see how asking about class has turned into talking bad about my family, sir. I didn't make up an excuse, and I surly didn't do this on purpose." She lifted her arm up slightly. "Just because my family enjoys Quidditch doesn't mean we are ruthless, attention seekers, and every other unpleasant name you can throw at me. I simply just came to ask you a question. If there isn't any work for me to do, then I will happily go and get my other homework." 

"I will not tolerate this behavior."

"What behavior sir? I'm sorry that I chose to be responsible and came to catch up on my school work. I won't be bothering you anymore if this is what you mean by behavior. But I am sure that you wouldn't quite enjoy someone talking bad about your family to your face. I find that very rude. Sorry to waste your time." She turned around and started to walk out of the classroom.

"Ten points from Gryffindor." 

"Thank you." She smiled and walked away. She had had enough of Snape's opinions. If anyone was ruthless, it was him. He obviously doesn't care about anyone but himself. The girl made her way to Defense Against the Dark Arts, and once again, she peeked her head around the door frame. "Excuse me, Professor, I was wondering if you had any work for me to make up."

Professor Lupin had looked up from his desk. "Oh, hello Y/n. I'm guessing Lee told you about the work today."

"Yes he did."

"I figured to just give you extra credit versus what we did in class. It wasn't much."

"I was in the hospital wing, I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. Madam Pomfrey informed me that you were going to be absent today. Believe me, I've been in your situation many times before."

"I have a question. Does Madam Pomfrey tell every Professor about absences?"


"That slimy haired git-"


"Oh, I was just wondering. You see, Professor Snape turned me asking for homework to talking bad about my family. I really don't see how that ties into each other. He called my father ruthless, if anyone is, it's him. He even said he wasn't going to tolerate my behavior. So I apologized for being responsible and left. He took house points too." By this point, she had sat at the set that sat before his desk, placing her only good arm up, and resting her chin upon it. "He even accused me of faking my injury to get out of class. Which I don't understand because you said you get informed beforehand."

"Snape has always been this way. Don't let him get to you. Your father is a good man, Y/n. He's dedicated to what he loves. And that's what matters. He's raised two lovely kids, and smart ones for that matter."

"Thanks." She gave the mad a weak smile.

"You were very responsible by stopping by. Not many students would think of doing that. For that, I award fifteen points to Gryffindor. Now you have five more than what you had." He smiled, passing the girl a small piece of chocolate.

"Thank you." 

"Don't think that you can't come to me if you need to talk, Y/n. I always needed someone to talk to when I was your age. Someone other than my friends, you know?"

"I understand. Thank you again." 

"Now, before I forget, here's the work I would like you to do. Two paragraphs about Vampires. Nothing too hard. But you probably should get going. Make sure Weasley knows you're fine. He seemed pretty worried. Fred I believe. I get them two mixed up, it's hard to tell sometimes who is who."

"I will." And with that she was off. She was still a little aggravated, but better now that she had told Lupin. Maybe that's why he was so looked up to. He was reassuring and comforting to anyone he talked to.

If Hogwarts gave out 'Best Professor of The Year' Awards, he would be the winner for sure.

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