
53 2 0

"Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world today." - Robert McAfee Brown


a u t h o r 's -- n o t e (extended summary)

Holden had built a stoackade around himself. Parker was determined to tear it down. It had become her new obsession. Why did she have this crazy notion that he needed her as much as she needed him? They had only exchanged a half-dozen words, yet he was a complex puzzle she needed to solve. She had to put the pieces together. Just exactly who was Holden Rizzo?

s t a t u s :


(March 8, 2015)

s o u n d t r a c k :

00:01 ||

Kiss Me - Ed Sheeran.

00:02 ||

Skinny Love - Birdy.

c o v e r -- c r e d i t :


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