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Multiple republic drop ships arrived at the scene, carrying several transports for the departured battalion.

"1 out of 5 valleys have been swiped." Wolffe informed.

Plo crossed his arms.

"That's still progress Commander Wolffe. Now is the time we divide into two."

"Two sir?" Wolffe asked.

"Jvayn's sub unit is tasked on taking on the other half of the remaining valleys, while the rest of the battalion take on the other."

Commander Wolffe stood still, processing what he had just heard from the General.

"Pardon me, General Koon. Can you give me context?"

Before Plo could respond, Jvayn made his way next to him.

"Master. The Renan Squad is now equipped with Barc speeders."

"Very good Jvayn."

Plo turned back to face his attention onto Wolffe.

"My Padawan is now much more capable on leading his own single unit without my assisted supervision. Any more questions, Commander?"

Wolffe awkwardly rubbed his eye before shuttering.

"I uh... I-"

"General, are you sure this is a good idea?"

Plo let out a soft chuckle.

"It was not my idea. It was Commander Zeerel's idea. I just approved." He nodded.

Wolffe faced his boots, now covered in dust and mud.

"General, I don't think it's saf-"

"You must have trust in him, and your brothers." Plo interrupted.

Plo implied about the Renan Squad. Although Wolffe did have a slight bitterness towards the Lieutenant, he already began helplessly sinking with their admirable characteristics.

"You're right General. I believe the Bloodwolf boys have what it takes. Sorry if I came off as..too overprotective."

The General patted his gentle hand on the Commander's shoulder.

"I understand, Commander."


"Check the thrusters, Rain." Knocker leaned.

Rain's head popped out from under the Barc speeder.

"Vod, you mind getting Zek here? He's better at risking his hands for things like this!"

Zek hastily rushed over to the hearing of his name.

"For what?" He asked.

Rain slimmed his eyes.

"Actually..never mind."

Rain inserted his arms into the repulsorlift engine.

"I got it."

BOOK III: A Valor FidelityWhere stories live. Discover now