Chapter Five

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When he entered the hanger, Crosshair looked up to see you sitting on the boarding ramp, seemingly waiting for him.

"I was slightly worried you ran off," you said, perking up while watching him approach.

"Where would I have run off to?" He asked.

"I don't know, somewhere in the city maybe. I came to find you and let you know we're about to eat, in case you were hungry."

"I suppose I could eat," Crosshair said while leaning his rifle on his shoulder.

"Okay. Do you want me to wait for you or should I go ahead and walk to the dining hall?" Crosshair let your question linger in his mind for a few seconds, thinking over his answer. He could be snarky, but that would likely upset you, or he could tell you what he really wanted. He decided neither, opting for a vague response.

"You can wait if you want a royal escort, princess, but it really doesn't matter to me," he shrugged, keeping his tone mostly bland, but allowing for a slight hint of wanting to seep through. He hoped you would pick up on this and stay with him.

"Yes it does," you said, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Well, I guess you know the answer, then," he said as he brushed passed you. You huffed and stood up, folding your arms over your chest.

"Maybe I know the answer, but that doesn't mean I'll do what you want!" You called into the ship he had disappeared into. You turned and went to head back inside the palace, but stopped at the bottom of the ramp and waited for him.

"I guess the princess wanted an escort after all," Crosshair teased as he walked down and joined you.

"Please, I was only being nice," you countered.

"Is this apart of you teaching me how to be nice?"

"Maybe," you said, pursing your lips.

"Hmm, then I guess I'll have to remember to add 'being snarky when I feel like it' to my list of what is acceptable."

"I wasn't being snarky!" You countered.

"Whatever you say, princess."

"Stop calling me that."

Crosshair just gave you a smug look in response before he looked forward again. You walked in silence as you both sorted through your thoughts. There was something off about Crosshairs force signature. You had noticed it earlier but didn't think much of it until now.

"Are you...upset?" You asked as you stopped and looked at him, realizing what you were feeling from him.

He paused, meeting your gaze with uncertainty.

"Why would I be upset?" He questioned, though you couldn't help but feel like there was a reason, he just didn't want to admit it.

"I don't know. You just feel...bothered by something."

"I assure you I'm quite alright," he lied.

"Crosshair, you don't have to hide things from me. I want you to be comfortable enough to talk to me like a friend."

He squinted his eyes slightly at you, mentally flipping through his options again. He could open up to you, but then you might think he's weak. Or he could keep it from you, and let you continue to believe he's cold and distant.

"I'll...think about telling you later," he finally responded. You gave him a small smile and nodded, continuing to walk again.

"That's all I can ask for," you said before motioning to the dining hall doors. "Come on, me and Tech made a new dish. We wanted to wait until you were with us to try it."

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