Kill vs Don't kill

Start from the beginning

"What is it?" You asked.

"I don't now if it's even possible, but I want to find a way to save Professor Koro's life.

"Save his life? You mean find a way to keep Professor Koro from destroying earth?" Mimura asked.

"Do you have any ideas?" Okano questioned him.

"Not yet..." He answered. "I don't know, but...-"

"I'm in!" Kurahashi said. "I wanna look for tons more creepy-crawlies with Professor Koro!"


"If you hadn't said something, I would have." Kataoka stepped in. "I want to repay him."


"Out assassination work has gotten us far enough." Hara said.

"Let's tackle a whole new challenge!" Sugino agreed.

"Like launching a new series!" Fuwa said.

"We'll regret it if we don't. We should do what we can, at least." Okano also agreed.

"You guys..." Nagisa felt a sense of relief coming in.

People started agreeing with him, and you kinda did, too. However, knowing why you were put into this classroom, it was hard to say that you agreed with him.

"I hate to spoil the mood... But I'm against the idea." Nakamura said strictly.


"Our relationship is one of assassin and target. Professor Koro said as much. And I really treasure the bond we've built over this past year. But that's exactly why I think we have to kill him."

Though as much as you disagreed, she had a point. You guys were given one mission, and that was to kill him. This sudden change of plans was also pretty much unexpected. Although a lot of you guys bonded with him, this idea didn't come until now. 

"You're against it..?" Nagisa quietly asked.

"You say you wanna save him, but how, exactly?" Terasaka questioned.


"It's not like we haven't thought about it. But what if time runs out before we find a way?" Muramatsu asked.

"You think that octopus'll be happy to meet some wishy-washy end with a bunch of wishy-washy students?"

"B-But isn't it at least worth consid-" Nagisa tried his best to convince them, but those who were against were firm and they had a good point. You guys didn't even have a plan on how to save him to begin with.

"It's always the talented ones." Karma said after he was quiet the entire time. "Mistakenly thinking everything will go their way. Hey, Nagisa, aren't you getting a tad full of yourself?"

"I don't think that's something you should be saying..." You mouthed the words.


"Here you are, the most gifted assassin in the E Class, and you're suggesting we just give up on the assassination? What about the less talented students who are still giving their all to kill him, even now?" He slowly approached Nagisa. "To put it another way, it's like a hot woman telling a bunch of homely ones they should all quit trying so hard to find boyfriends."

"Th-That's not what I mean..."

"Come on, you guys. He's just trying to let out his opinion. He may be the most gifted, but you can't tell him what to do with that skill of his. If you guys want to kill him so bad, try harder while we find a way to save him." You said.

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