Chapter 5- I Love You (Simple Ending)

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Y/N p.o.v

I watered the flowers on the counter next to him that Mia and I bought him.
She is no more. Usually, we bought new flowers every month, but since her death i refused to change them.

I took Diego's hand and held it close.
Then I fixed his white hair that was covering his face. It became like that after the poisoning. The doctors say that there may be other side effects, since his central nervous system got damaged.
It's been... 5 years...

The doctors would let me come every working day for an hour.
I would talk to Diego, telling him everything.
Throughout those 5 years, Deliah was brought to justice by Mia, and Phoenix Wright, her student, brought her killer to justice.

"...Oh! My hour is over..."
I stopped rambling when the doctors came to the room.
"Stay strong, Diego... I'm waiting for you..."

"Looks like the poison messed with your eyesight, sir. Sadly you are legally blind. You have no restrictions concerning food for now, but you can't leave you bed. We'll leave now, you have a visitor."

H-Huh? W-Who are they t-talking to?
Did... did...

"D-Diego... I... Oh My Gosh you are really awake!"
I dropped my bag, running to him and hugging him tight.

"Y-Y/N... is that you?"
He whispered in a weak voice.

"Yes, yes, it's me!
Oh my gosh I missed your voice!
Too bad Mia isn't here to see this..."
I started crying from happiness.

"H-How long was I o-out f-for...?"

"You were out for five years. Didn't the doctors tell you?"

"F-Five years?"
Armando was too weak to even try to sound in shock.

"I visited you every day and told you stuff... did you... hear anything...?"

"N-No... but I do f-feel like I know m-more than I used t-to. It's probably in m-my subconscious."

Tears filled my eyes.
"Why a-are you c-crying?"

"It's all over now. Finally, everything's over. I'm so happy..."
I cried into his chest. Armando put his fingers through my hair.

"I think my v-voice is coming back."
His voice was a little stronger.

"Hell yea, tiger!"
I giggled.
"Maybe a good cup of coffee will help? I brought number 102!"
I slightly sang. Damn it, I missed giving him coffee so much.

Armando chuckled.
"Bitter and more darker then hell itself...
Do you know that I woke up to the smell of coffee?"

"The aroma of a coffee that miraculously managed to bring the legendary defence attorney out of an endless coma. Sounds like a good title for a newspaper."
Both of us bursed in laughter.

"You know... There's something in my mind... your voice, I think. Your voice telling me something. But I can't put my finger on it..."
Armando said, deeply in thoughts.

I say, surprised.
Suddenly, I remembered how I confessed to him that faithful day.
D-Damn it, I kinda hope he doesn't remember...

"Do you know that Mia managed to bring Deliah Hawthorn to justice?
She managed to save a collage student from her. Mia proved even proved that Deliah stole poison from a lab to poison... you... hehe...
But now she is dead for her countless crimes."
I quickly told him.

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