Chapter 24: An Explosive Lesson

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"Bakubro?" Kacchan mouthed incredulously.

"Hey, Yamazawa? I was wondering about that scarf of yours... Sensei has one that looks just like it." Uraraka spoke up.

"She's right. It looks like it's a hero-grade weapon of some sort." Yaoyorozu hummed.

"Ah..." Izuku scratched the back of his head. "I'm not actually able to say much, as it's got to do with an ongoing investigation, but it's for my protection. I'm legally allowed to carry it and my taser both at school and in my daily life."

"Investigation?" Iida echoed. "Are you being sought after by villains?"

"Like I said, I'm not able to say anything right now." Izuku sighed.

"Lay off of him." Kacchan glared. "If he can't say, then he can't say."

"You're too loud." Izuku's dad spoke up from his napping corner. He cracked open an eye to glare at the class. "And stop pestering Yamazawa, or I'll make you take the Second Year legalities course during your free period."

"Sorry sensei." Several people chorused together.

"You can apologize by letting me sleep." Aizawa groaned. "It's about time for your lessons anyways."

"UA is so weird." Kaminari muttered as they gathered their things. "Making us move from one classroom to the next. Isn't Homeroom usually... you know, your home room?"

"Yeah, usually it's the teachers that switch rooms, not the students." Ashido tapped her chin.

"From what I can remember, UA likes to use a college-based class rotation system." Izuku hummed lightly as they walked to their English class. "Something about preparing us for a higher education."

"Yeah, well I'm just glad I can stretch my legs." Kacchan yawned as they walked.

"I know what you mean, I get jittery if I sit still for too long." Kaminari sighed.

"I'd rather just sit and nap." Shinsou chimed in. Yuki meowed in agreement.

"You do get to nap all day." Izuku booped his cat on the nose, who licked his chin in retaliation. "Don't give me that look." He huffed as Yuki gave another meow, a look on his face told Izuku exactly what he was getting at. "No, we'll get enough exercise during our Heroics Class this afternoon."

Koda tapped his shoulder, drawing Izuku's attention. "Are you sure you can't already understand him? Because your conversation was nearly flawless... Even Yuki wonders if you can understand what he's saying."

Izuku chuckled a bit. "I'm just good at reading cats."

"Yeah, you certainly get enough practice." Kacchan snorted in amusement.

"I feel like I'm missing something here." Ashido looked between Izuku and Kacchan with a mildly annoyed expression as they sat down for his pa's lesson.

The day sort of sped by after that. Classes were interesting, but it was all stuff that Izuku already knew. The only class that'd challenged him so far had been his pa's class, and he was fairly sure that his pa had given him different work from the rest of his classmates.

Ectoplasm's math class was fun, though. And seeing all the different heroes in such a calm and mundane setting was certainly a treat! He was really having an absolute blast at UA.

At lunch, he sat with Iida, Shinsou, Kacchan, Kirishima, Uraraka, and Koda. He listened with half an ear to the conversation that Kirishima, Iida, Kacchan and Uraraka were having while he spoke with Shinsou and Koda.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jul 02, 2021 ⏰

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