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[S1 E6]

Shane wasn't sure about this. He along with the rest of their group was crammed into an elevator, they had just spoken to this guy Jenner, the one to greet them when they walked into the CDC. The space in the elevator was uncomfortably tight as they sat in silence.

"Doctors always go around packing heat like that?" Daryl asked referring to the gun in Jenner's hand, deciding to be the first to speak.

"There were plenty left lying around. I familiarized myself. But you look harmless enough." Jenner said turning around to face him before he turned to direct his words at Carl, "Except you, I'll have to keep my eye on you." he said making the younger boy smile.

The group soon left the elevator following Jenner down a long hallway. "Are we underground?" Carol asked the man with a slight nervous tone.

"Are you claustrophobic?" Jenner asked in return.

"A little." The woman replied.

"Try not to think about it." Jenner said before speaking louder in a clear tone, "Vi, bring up the lights in the big room." There was a slight hum and then a beeping noise before all the lights flickered on. "Welcome to zone 5."

"Where is everybody?" Rick asked following the doctor who walked down the ramp, "The other doctors, the staff?"

"I'm it." Jenner answers, "It's just me here, well doctor wise."

"What does that mean," Lori spoke up, "Doctor wise? What about the person you were speaking with? Vi?"

"Vi, say hello to our guests." Jenner said instructing the computer. "Tell them... Welcome."

"Hello, guests. Welcome."

"And what I meant was that out of the doctors I'm all that's left. I'm sorry, the only other people here are-"

"Oh my God."


Dax and Rayna walked down the hall towards the main room, from far away Rayna could make out the shape of multiple people. She observed the people, she could make out one person who stood closer to the door, he wore a Fishermans hat, and another not far away from the first who held a crossbow.

Here eyes kept moving along the memeber of the group scaning to see what kind of people she would encounter, however as she got closer her legs stopped moving and she froze. Dax stopped when he noticed she did, staring at her confused as the girl felt her breath begin to pick up.

A man, he wore a tight fitted black t-shift with khaki colored pants and worn out boots, boots that she had said countless times needed to be thrown away, her eyes move over slightly and her eyes locked on another mans back. The tan shirt, the watch on his wrist-

"Oh my God." She gasped, her words gaining the attention of the group in front of her as they all turned to look at who had approached.

Her eyes met a pair of blues identical to her's and when her eyes slid over they met a pair of brown eyes from the face of a man who had done nothing but love her and make her feel safe. Her surroundings were mute, blank she could no longer hear or see anything else but them.

She saw her husband move forward so fast soon enough she was encased in his grasp, his strong arms pulling her tightly into his grasp, once she came back to reality she wrapped her arms around him just as tightly. "You're alive." She heard him say in a low and shocked whisper.

"I am, im here." She said beginning to feel the tears leave her eyes, she pulled back for only a second before seeing her brother from over Shanes shoulder, dressed in his sheriffs uniform, using all his might to not interfere with the couples reuniting. However he didn't even have to because she soon pulled away and got an encouraging push from her husband before sharing a hug with her brother. Feeling herself cry harder she said, "You're here, you're okay, how-" she said needing the reassurance that this wasn't her imagination.

"Im here Ray, I'm okay, we're okay."

"Aunt Ray!"


After an emotional reunion Jenner had lead the group through the building for them to get blood tests, making sure there was no infection among the group. Rayna had briefly spoken to Rick and Shane telling them they could discuss more serious topics about each others survival later. After giving Carl and Lori both hugs she just wanted to enjoy a happy moment with her family before having to dive into the horror each of them might have witnessed over the last few weeks.

After a quick introduction to the groups members Rayna sat with her family in the corner of the room as Andrea, the last of the group, was having her blood drawn. "What's the point?" The woman began to complain as she directed her words of question to the doctor in the room. "If we were infected, we'd all be running a fever."

"I've already broken every rule in the book letting you in here." Jenner responded continuing his process, "Let me just at least be thorough." And after another second it was finished, "All done." Rayna watched as the blonde woman stood from the seat, turning to walk towards Jackie, however she stumbled slightly. "Are you okay?" Jenner asked.

"She hasn't eaten in days." Jackie said responding for her, "None of us have."

With that Dax, who had been leaning against the wall across from the group pushed himself off and looked around at their tired faces, "Well let's fix that."



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2023 ⏰

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