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The bright red and vile liquid was everywhere, at least where Rayna could see. The scream had come from outside, the cook had gone out back to dispose of something In the dumpster, Rayna rushed outside, worried of what could have caused such a terrified sound.

She was met with the sight of teared flesh.

Someone, a man was kneeling over the corpse plucking his organs from the mans stomach and feasting on them.

"Holy shit." she heard someone mutter behind her and she turned around to see that the customer from inside the diner had followed her out along with the waitress.

The older woman let out a horrified gasp, "Mike! Oh my God." The woman seemed to be in shock, they all were but of course the woman knew this man more than they did.

Rayna stood still, unsure of what to do, this was the virus, this is the thing Shane had been worried about. She swallowed hard as she watched one man eat the organs from another, it was something straight out of a movie. The waitress seemed to be in a trance as she stepped closer, she moved so fast and Rayna couldn't find it in her to warn the woman.

The man doing the feasting froze when the woman grabbed him in attempt to get him off of the dead man on the ground. The feasting man turned around, Rayna jumped and stumbled back in fear when she saw the mans eyes were taken over by a milky white fog and his skin had turned into a pale color, she almost fell over only to feel her arm be steadied by a hand behind her.

However the hand that steadied her quickly disappeared as the man lunged forward once he saw the monster go towards the older woman. The monster was seconds away from biting the woman when he was pushed out of the way. The woman fell to the ground scared and relieved that she hadn't been bitten, Rayna rushed over to help her to her feet.

As the woman stood they saw the larger man continue to struggle with the monster, unsure what to do as it kept trying to grab at him. Finally the man gave the monster one final shove and they all watched as its head made a loud clang as it fell backwards and hit the dumpster. It stopped moving.

"Did you just-" kill him, Rayna started to question.

"I don't know." The man answers as the there stared at the now dead monsters limp body. "I don't know."



Sorry it's a day late.


Hidden Demons  [Shane Walsh + Others]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt