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In real life, there is no such thing as happily ever after. You can reach your goals, marry the man  of your dreams but there will always be sadness and there will always be loss. It doesn't matter who you are or where you are, or what you've done, its inevitable.

Rayna made her way down the dark halls of the building on her way to Dax's room. Once she got there she knocked on the door frame despite the door being wide open. when he heard her he looked up from the book he was reading.

"Ready to leave tomorrow?" She asked.

"For the most part yeah." The man answered closing the book and throwing it to the side.

"For the most part?" The woman repeated raising a brow.

"Yeah, you know goodbyes and all that." Dax responded making Rayna feel a pang guilt.

"Its not too late to back out you know, you can stay I won't be offended." She said to the man, and she was telling the truth, although they didn't seem to be close Dax had family here and that was something rare nowadays, it would make sense if he changed his mind about leaving.

"No, im going its all good, I promise." The man said assuring her.

"Okay good." She replied before continuing, "Im gonna head to bed in a bit then."


"Wanna rest up while I can." Rayna said thinking of how once they left the CDC there would be less time to rest with all the moving around.

"Alright then, guess I should probably do the same in a few too." He said.

"Okay, goodnight."



Dax walked into the main computer room, he had yet to tell his uncle he was leaving, but he honestly doubted his uncle would even notice if he did. The two hadn't talked in days, after all his aunt died and there wasn't anything left to say about, they had both lost the person they cared about deeply.

He saw his uncle sitting at one of the computers with a bottle and a glass of wine in front of him, he sighed knowing that it wouldn't be long before the older man would drink the whole thing. However a look of confusion took over his face once he heard something come from one of the computers.

"...know you can hear me. Please, we're desperate. Please help us. We have women, children, no food, hardly any gas left!"

"What the hells that?" Dax question drawing his uncles attention away from the screen.

"There's people, a group, they want to get in." Jenner explained as the screaming from the monitor continued.

When Dax finally reacher the man and took a look at the screen he turned to his uncle, "What are you doing then? Let them in." He knew what it was like out there, he saw his uncle hesitate to respond and a scowl took over his face, what's the big deal they had more than enough of everything to go around? "Let them in." He repeated. When his uncle didn't move he pushed forward ready to hit the button for the outside shutter when his uncle finally spoke up.

"They could be dangerous."

"They have kids man," he said looking at his uncle in shock.

Jenner turned, taking one last look at the screen, "You're killing us! You're killing us!" he heard the man scream, finally letting out a sigh before hitting the button and letting the outside shutters open.

Immediately Dax turned and started walking away, but not toward the door, towards the rooms. "Where are you going?" his uncle questioned.

"Gotta tell Rayna what's going on. Don't want her coming out to a bunch of strangers unprepared. Go, we'll meet you!" he said before jogging away.


Rayna stared at the book in her hands feeling her eyes droop shut as she tried to read the next sentence. She finally sighed and closed the book ready to go to sleep, eager to go out and start looking for her family.

Right when she was gonna slip her legs under the covers someone loudly barged into her room with out warning. She immediately looked up o see Dax with a wide eyed look on his face. "Well hello to you too," she said confused by his harsh intrusion.

"Get dressed." He said seeing how she only wore a T-shirt and sweatpants.

"What? Why, what's going on?" She questioned beginning to feel unease.

"There was people out side, Ed let them in." He said filling her in.


"I don't know."

"And he just let them in?" She questioned him, letting new people in didn't really sound like a call Jenner would make, he was reluctant even when she came in, at least then his nephew was able to vouch for her.

"They had kids in their group, I pushed it." he explained.

"Alright then, let me get dressed."


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