Chapter 9. Cult

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Elliot's POV.

Olivia hadn't spoken since we found her. I tried everything. She won't eat she won't sleep. Even Huang tried but Liv wasn't breaking her silence. I knew I had to talk to Lewis, it's the only way to know what actually went on in that room. Of course we all knew but we needed a statement.

"Lemme guess Liv's not talkin and now you need me" he smiled as I approached him.

"Olivia told us everything we just want a confession" I said and he nodded.

"You wanna hear the details that she won't give you right?" he smiled, it was a very perverted smile. I didn't answer I just let him talk. "You wanna know how I tied her down or how much she wanted it. Oh she was practically begging me for it. Oh damn she was good, she likes it rough. I suppose you wouldn't know that" he laughed and I knew what he was implying. "You know she'll do anything in the bedroom I mean anything. She's not like the others" he said and I knew he was getting off on telling me the details.

"So go on?"

"I forced her into a car that I stole, I handcuffed her to the door and we got to talking. Then you already know about the apartment building how I tied her down. But you'll never know what we did. Because I'm not telling you anything and you and I both know neither is she" he said and I hated this, he was wining. He knew if Liv talked I wouldn't need him since we have evidence. He's dome this too many times to be outsmarted.

"Who are you covering for?" I asked and now he turned serious.

"This goes way beyond your reach. And I'm not talking unless..." he trailed and I was dreading what he'd want.

"What? Unless what?" I asked sounding more desperate than intended.

"I'll spill everything I'll make a written statement, I'll give names make IDs but only if I talk to Olivia. She's the one I wanna talk to" he said and I felt like I could snap.

"You're not retraumatising her" I said but he meant what he said. I know I wouldn't get him to talk unless I sat Olivia in front of him myself.

"You can stay with her but I've a feeling she'll want privacy" he smirked and I left I couldn't be in the same room as him without killing him. I went outside and punched the wall to vent my anger.

I went home to Olivia and the kids and just tried to keep my cool. "Liv?" I asked and she looked to me. "Lewis wants to talk to you" I said but she didn't answer, not that I expected her to. "I know this is hard but you gotta talk to me"

"How many times over the years has Kathy said those exact words?" she asked I could tell she was angry but at least she was talking to me.

"Too many. And I shut her out and now she's dead. I realised I should've talked to her more" I said and she hugged me.

"He's part of a cult he told me everything, when he was... Doing things to me" she said and I held her tighter.

"I'm so sorry baby I should've been there" I whispered.

"You're here now" she whispered back. I went to get up but she held me tighter. "Please don't leave me" she whispered.

"I'm right here I'm not going to leave you I just need to check on the kids" I said but she wasn't letting me go anytime soon. So I took her in my arms and carried her.

"Better?" I asked.

"Better" she smiled as she snuggled into me. I made some popcorn and put on a movie. "El?" Olivia asked and I looked to her. "Why were you gonna leave that day at the airport?" she asked. I looked down but she kept her gaze on me.

"Because Kathy's mother wants to take Eli, she says I'm an unfit father and she's said terrible things" I said.

"Like what?" She asked.

"She called me a pervert she called you a whore and she says that Eli will grow up to be a rapist" I said and now Liv looked offended.

"A whore?" she asked missing the point.

"Yeah well a slutty whore to be more exact" I said and her expression was priceless.

"What a-" she was about to swear and name Kathy's mother for what she really is but stopped herself when she saw Eli.

"Mommy Liv?" he asked and she left my side for the first time all night.

"Are you OK?" she asked.

"I had a bad dream can you stay with me?" he asked and she nodded taking him by the hand and walking him to his room. I waited but after a half an hour it was obvious she wasn't coming back anytime soon. I walked into Eli's room and saw her asleep with him in her arms. I love seeing her with him, she makes him happy, she makes me happy and I wouldn't change that for the world. I was gonna hunt these sickos down and make them pay. I was gonna get justice for Liv and Eli no matter what the cost or the risks.

Hope you liked! Sorry I took awhile to update!!! Plz comment and vote! Thanks guys!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2015 ⏰

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