Chapter. 4. Alone.

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Elliot's POV.

I stood there while Kathy had a gun on Olivia. "You're not looking for him!" she screamed.

"Mom don't!" Kathleen screamed, Maureen had to hold her back.

"SHUT UP!" she screamed pulling the trigger. Kathleen instantly fell to the floor.

"KATHLEEN!" I yelled running towards her but Kathy wouldn't let me near her. Maureen held her in her arms and I could only watch as my little girl bled out on the floor.

"Kathy I know you didn't mean for that to happen but  now you have to do what's right. You need to put the gun down" Olivia said softly.

"And you need to find my son!" Kathy yelled back. I felt like I would die right then and there, I wanted to die then and there.

"Mom. Kathleen needs an ambulance" Maureen begged and Kathy just lost it. There was shooting and then I felt a jolt, it was all so blurry. I sat up and saw everyone on the floor they were all dead, all except Olivia. She had three bullet holes to her stomach and one in her left shoulder.

I ran to her, she is all I have now and I can't lose anyone else. "Olivia!" I called and she tried to speak but no words came out. "It's OK don't say anything. Help is on the way" I said, I knew the neighbours would call. I just didn't know how long it would take the ambulance to get there.

"I...I tried to find Eli.. I'm s-sorry.. I b-broke my promise to Kathy"

"Olivia you can't think like that" I said tears streaming down my face.

"I love you" she whispered. "Promise me you'll take care of Noah for me" she whispered as her eyes began to close. I have never met Noah face to face but I know how much she loves him so I know it's her way of saying goodbye.

"No! Please! You're the only one I have left!" I sobbed.  She didn't budge, she wasn't breathing. "OLIVIA! LIV?! DON'T DO THIS TO ME!" I yelled sobbing uncontrollably. "I have nobody..  I'm all alone, please don't leave me alone" I begged as I held he close. Her blood seeped through my shirt, I felt as the life began to drain away from her.  "Please you can't leave me" I sobbed. A paramedic came up behind me.

"Excuse me sir but you'll have to let us do our jobs" he said and I gently placed Olivia back down. They brought in stretchers to take everyone away. My sitting room floor was stained with blood. I knew I'd never be able to come back again, I lost my family. I lost everything. Olivia was my one hope and I was losing her too. I got in the ambulance and held her hand. Her heart rate was up and I had to step back as paramedics tried to revive her. She started to cough blood. "HER LUNGS ARE FAILING!" a paramedic yelled.

"She's going into shock I can't get her breathing!" another yelled. "We're losin her!" she added. I started to cry harder, why did this have to happen? I kept hearing Eli's voice in my head but I knew I'd never see him again. "Her heart is failing!" the medic said giving Olivia an IV. I tried to control my breathing but I felt like I could pass out.

"It's alright you need to stay calm" a medic said to me while the others tended to Olivia.

"We need to keep her airway clear!"

"How can I be calm?" I said as I struggled to breathe, how could I be calm when they were yelling things like that and with the heart monitor beeping rapidly.

2 hours later.

"The operation was a succsess. We managed to remove the bullets safely" the doctor said and I sighed with relief.

"Can I see her?

"She's heavily sedated, she won't be responsive until tomorrow but you're more than welcome to stay if you want" she smiled and I ran straight to room 210.

"I love you too" I whispered holding her hand tightly. I remembered the paramedics took her bag, I walked over by the door and opened it to see files from Eli's case. She had solved it. That's why she was coming to see us. I read the report and saw the evidence. "Kathy sold Eli" I said aloud. How could she? Her own son. So this is why she killed herself, guilt.

Sorry it's not the best but thanks for the comments! Please keep reading! Thanks!!!

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