Chapter. 6. Nightmares and Flashbacks.

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Elliot's POV.

I was sleeping on the couch when I saw Eli leave the spare bedroom and walk towards Olivia's door. "Hey little man were're you going" I whispered as I walked towards him.

"Shhh Wivvy is sleeping" he whispered as he gently opened the door. "I'm gonna give her a hug so she won't be lonely" he whispered climbing under the covers. I didn't want him to wake Olivia since it's the first night I've been here and she hasn't woken up freaking out about some nightmare.

"Eli come back" I whisperd. He had already snuggled up to Olivia. She started to move and I thought she would wake but instead she wrapped her arms around him and held him close. Soon Eli was asleep and they were both snuggled up.into the warmth of their embrace. It really warmest my heart to see them together, it was beautiful. I walked back into the living room and went to my bag. I took out the family portrait we had taken just last year. Then I open it up and take out the two plane tickets I put in the back of it yesterday. "Sorry Liv" I whispered as I put my stuff back in my bag. I got up and walked into her room, I gently took Eli from her and I headed out the door. I did it again.

Olivia's POV.

I woke up early and it was quiet. I walked into the living room and there was no sign of Elliot or his stuff. I walked into Noah's room, he was still sleeping soundly. I checked my watch and it said 5:30. "Damn it!" I thought angrily to myself. I was angry at myself, not Elliot. To be honest I'm not even sure why, lately I've always found a reason to hate myself. To blame things that couldn't possibly be my fault on myself. But I couldn't do that now, it would eat away at me, I had to stop him. I was going out to find him.

I changed Noah first, of course and while I was I had gotten a voicemail. "Hey Liv... I'm soryy that .... I'm sorry I um... I left. I know you must hate me right now. Well I hope you do because we both no if you don't blame me you'll blame yourself. This wasn't your fault Olivia. I had to leave. But before I go I just needed you to know that uh.. I love you" he said and I started to cry. I took Noah in my arms and held him close.

"Can I say bye to Wivvy?" Eli asked making me smile.

"Of course you can"

"Bye Wivvy. Bye Noah I love you" he said and tears streamed my face but still I listened. "Daddy just one more thing" he said before continuing to speak. "Wivvy when we come home can you be my new mommy?" he asked then I heard something being announced over an intercom and then Elliot hurriedly hanging up the phone. I put Noah in his car seat and ran out the door, I knew where they were. I got a taxi to the terminal and I ran as fast as I could. Noah started to cry but I kept running.

"Where's gate C8?" I asked the lady at reception.

"Just through here but you need your boarding pass" she said and I quickly tried to get my head together but I couldn't form words.

"Elliot. Leaving I gotta. Our kid. I mean his kid. And. And the plane and I and he. And I ran. And then and then"

"Miss I'll have to ask you to calm down"

"I don't wanna be calm" I said taking out my gun, it was a force of habit and a bad one. She radioed security. I showed her my badge and tried to clear things up but she didn't exactly trust me. "Please... I just need to get to someone" I begged and she sighed crossing her arms. "He's gonna get on that plane and I'll never see him again. And... I love him" I begged. I handed her my gun and she gave me a sympathetic look.

"Go on" she said and I quickly ran through. I saw Elliot and Eli nearly ready to board the plane.

"ELLIOT!" I called and he turned and saw me. He just looked at me in confusion. We both started running with the kids. People cleared a path and I ran to him.

"Olivia what're you doing here?" he asked.

"I can't lose you again" I said breathlessly.

"I'm sorry Liv I-" he began but I kissed him interrupting him.

"I love you" I whispered as tears streamed my face.

"I-I love you too" he said in shock.

"Then why did you leave?" I asked.

"I couldn't face you" he said as he began to cry too. "I love you more than anything Liv. Always have. Always will"

"Then why do you run? You always tell me that I shut people out. But I only do that because whenever I let someone in they leave. I trusted you and you left"

"I know and I know you will never be able to forgive me but I'll love you no matter what happens"

"Why can't you be more like that Harold" a woman said slapping her husband playfully. Then everyone turned their attention back to us. Eli struggled to get down so Elliot let him go. He walked to Noah's car seat and started to play with him. Elliot turned back to me and wrapped his arms around me kissing me passionately. Then suddenly Eli started to freak out, I could see deep into his eyes. I knew what was happening I know that look anywhere, he was having a flashback. "That's been happening all day" Elliot sighed and I took Eli in my arms and held him tightly.

"It's OK baby I gotcha" I said softly and he cried snuggling into me.

Sorry if there are any mistakes I'm in a serious rush but I hope you guys enjoyed!

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