Chapter thirteen

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I woke up but my eyes would not open I don't know why. "What happened why did this happen?" I heard a sweet loving voice say it was Derek. Where was I? "She was in shock." I heard a voice reply. "Shock why shock she was okay when she went up there but it's like she saw something then everything changed why?" Derek sounded like he was crying. Wake up damn Mea wake up My mind kept shouting I tried I really did. I couldn't tho.
"She was scared and I don't know why maybe she saw something or imagined something do you know what?" Derek was quiet. "no" he whispered. "ill be back later she should awake soon." then he left. I felt the breather thing covering my mouth with two tubes in my nose helping me breath why did this happen to me now I sure didn't get that money and Derek was going to die. Derek! My heart rate was beeping later I didn't care I was two worried of Derek he was going to die because of my dumb ass I had to flip out I'm so stupid. "Mea! it's okay it's Derek I'm here I'm not leaving until you wake up please calm baby calm down I love you a lot Mea Im not leaving I love you" he barley said the last 3 words he was crying my heart rate slowed I was calming down by the sound of his voice. One thing I hated is that he controlled my body in a good way I hated it I could not control my emotions his voice calmed me even when I wanted to be mad his looks seduced me at such wrong times I just wished I could see him right now but I couldn't wake up. "Baby wake up please." I heard him cry. I wanted to I tried I tried screaming my mouth would not open my body would not move I couldn't even tell if I was breathing I struggled to wake up then I stopped I was instantly tired I wi will tr try later then I passed out. I woke up again and opened my eyes I looked around. I was in the hospital. I looked over and found Derek sleeping with his hand on mine his perfect hair was just laying on my stomach while he slept. I ran my fingers threw it accidentally causing him to wake. "Mea?" he said horesly. "yes dear." I said back. He jumped up fast looking at me to make sure it was me I smiled. "Oh my god I thought I lost you!" He said like he was about to cry. "You won't loose me ever." I replied. He looked down and back up afraid of something. "What happend Mea?" he asked oh fuck not that question anything but that question I started to shake. "Baby please don't worry I'm here." I stoped and looked at him in the eyes. "I saw Andrew." His eyes almost popped out I knew we only talked of him once but I hated talking about him we should have talked more tho he understood. "I I I'm so sorry baby. Why the fuck ain't he in jail?" Here can my quilty side. He must have sensed it. "Baby why ain't he in jail?" the tears started streaming. "I always knew he'd find me." The words just came pouring out damn he wasn't supposed to know that. "I have been sensing this for a while him finding me." I coverd my mouth before more coming out. "I know." he simply answered. "What?" I asked confused. "Yah baby you have been waking up screaming and shaking and talking in your sleep I thought you knew but you never even mentioned it you only woke up once from it that was in the car I would have told you but I didint wanna worry you." My heart dropped. "What do I say?' "you yell for him to stop you scream like your getting hurt you beg for him to stop hurting you and you cry like you acctuly are feeling it." He said looking at me with tears in his eyes. "Thats when I grab you and hug you and whispere to you in your sleep you start talking to me. you tell me he's coming back and he's going to kill you I tried telling you it was a dream you said he was touching you and I asked where you said the place that hurts me the most." he stoped when he saw me crying hard. "Im so sorry baby." I looked at him I wished he would cradle me hug me whisper to me love me kiss me something! "I love you." I whispered "I love you too." he said before hugging me tightly. "When can I leave?" I asked. "Whenever you want you were allowed to be released once you woke up." I looked around to scared to leave here I felt safe. "Its not safe." "Baby I'm not going to let that bastard touch you do you really think I'd let that happen?" Andrew was much weaker than Derek which made me look pathetic but his words were tough and what if he had that gun he used against me during sex. We got in car and he looked worried I grabbed his hand and looked at him. "What's wrong." I asked looking at his eyes. "Mea why didint you tell me about the money involved with the talent show?" he asked oh yah the money. "I um wanted to surprise you." "They told me you were going to use that and your school funds on me I told you don't pay for it!" He yelled he never yelled before. "Baby. he cut me off "Don't baby me!" the rest of ride home was silent. We got there an I dropped my purse and ran to bathroom crying. "Baby I'm making something to eat want any thing?" how could he yell than act like everything was fine I wiped my tears and said no "I just want to go to bed and forget today." "Okay I love you" "I love you too." when he walke away I went to the room and curled up falling asleep later I woke up to him rapping his arms around me then I went to sleep again.

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