Chapter twelve

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I was practicing singing Titanium in the shower while Derek was cooking breakfast. I got out and dried my hair while walking to the kitchen. "Mm that smells so good baby." I said wrapping my arms around his waste. He smiled kissing my head. "Just for you and this special day." I loved the way he made me feel sometimes happy sometimes mad but always loved. "Will you be there to watch?" I asked hoping he'd say yes. "Of course I would you know that. Why wouldn't I go?" I looked down trying to hide my shy smile. "I don't know." I glanced back up at him and he was smiling down at me. "What?" I asked. "Your beautiful." He said back before cupping my face in his hands and kissing me tenderly. His kisses were like spoon fills of sugar with a hint of magic.
" I love you." I whispered in our kiss.
"I love you so much more." After breakfast we say on the couch watching t.v. it was a beautiful day but we'd both rather just be curdled up in each others arms enjoying the company of each other.
I woke up still on the couch. I got up and walked to the kitchen. "Hey baby." I forced pretty tierd. "Thank goodness your up I was about to wake you I'm making hamburgers and a salad for dinner something not too heavy so you can sing well." he was sweet. "Damn how long have I slept." "We both fell asleep around noon I woke up and hour ago." The clock said 5:38 I had an hour to eat and get ready. "Okay well thanks boo." "No problem baby now eat up so you can go to the show and rock it." After I ate I got on a red silk dress that went a inch above knees and had to silk lining spaghetti straps. I found a pair of black heels to with it as I curled my hair to where it rested just above my shoulders. I did my make up a smokey eye look and painted my lips a red with lip stick. I walked out to find Derek staring at me like I was a goddess or something.

My mouth dropped opened as I watched her come out from the bathroom. She was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen then when I saw her like that I wanted to devour her with my lips. Too bad she had that talent show to go to. "Do you like it?" she asked me I could barley speak I didn't like it. I loved it. "Baby, y-you look astonishing I I don't know what to say." she smiled shyly looking at the floor. Damn I hated her insecurities her ex boyfriend must of been a true dick to make her believe she was anything less then an angel. Damn bastard I wanted to kill him for hurting her and making her insecure and... touching her. "Okay my lady lets get you off to your talent show before 12:00 hits." I said putting enthusiastic in her mind. "What am I Cinderella?" she laughed. "You look like a prinsses must be also I have a surprise tonight when you get back." I saw her bite her lip. "can't wait." she replied I knew what she was thinking damn she made me horny. But we couldn't do it now she would be to turned on at the talent show an mess up.
We got to the show and signed in. I could tell she was excited and nervous I grabbed her hand. She looked up at me giving me a thankyou look. I bent down and kissed her perfect cheek I couldn't with her lips I'd get lipstick in me, but when we get home I was so gonna eat it off her like candy.
We walked to the chairs they had sitting outside. it was an outside event they had built a stage outside which was very beautiful with lights string around and a full moon was to be out the sun was just going down. "Let's sit here." she insisted pointing to the second row. "Yes dear." I helped her put her things down. "Ill be back I need to go sign in and Im going to talk to some other people here if that's okay?" she said looking at me I didint want her to leave I loved sitting with her but of course that was fine if that's what she wanted all I wanted was do her to be happy. "yah go ahead ill be right here it's your night baby have fun meet new people okay." I told her. "I love you Derek." "I love you to Mea." he walked away and I sat waiting for her. I decided to call my mom ad see how everything was going with her.

I walked towards a couple girls gigging I knew that they were in the talent show they were dressed up for it. "Hey" I said trying to sound confident I never was the talking girl in high school or even in collage. "Hey I'm Nitasha and this is Madianna what's your name." wow this girl was super nice. "I am Mea" I smiled. "Thats an amazing name are you doing the talent show? I am Im singing love story by Taylor Swift"
"Awesome, and uh yah I'm singing titanium." We actually were having a good conversation I even got Natasha's number. "Okay well we better go its about start." Natasha said. "Oh yah okay well nice meeting you." I said starting to walk away. "You too." she said back. I walked over to Derek who was on his phone. "Okay mom well Mea's back I go to go ill talk to you soon love you bye." he hung up "Hey meet anyone?" I told him of Natasha and Madianna. He really seemed to be happy for me. The show started and the first few girls weren't to bad I could tell Derek did not like them. Then Natasha went up I cheered her on and whoa she was good I new she was but not that good even Derek liked her he hated the rest. Mea they said holy crap I was called up I forgot I was going to do this I got shaky when I stood and dizzy I wanted to leave no I need to do this for Derek he still doesn't know we could win money but I need it for his surgery. When we signed up they made us right a reason why we wanted the money I wrote about Derek. He grabbed my hand "You got this" I smiled and walked up. I got on stage an they handed me the microphone my heart was pounding I was growing sweat in my palms the I thought of me and Derek the past couple weeks and how nice he is and sweet the romance we have then the music started and I sang. The words came out light and flowing and beautiful I sang my heart out. Derek's face was in shock he really liked me! When I was done I was happy pure happy everybody was whistling guys were giving me the call me gesture I heard to girls screaming it was Natasha and Madianna they were happy. My heart dropped my lungs shrunk I couldn't breath I started shaking and I ran off stage tears were falling I was sweating I stoped in front of Derek "Baby what's wrong?" He wrapped his arms around me I couldn't speak I couldn't breath I was too scared. "Baby breath!" he screamed people were starring "Come one Mea your not breathing please breath!" he was trying to breath in my mouth giving CPR the tears kept falling but my sobs were scilent I couldn't breath I was to scared. "CALL 911 SHE'S NOT BREATHING!!" I looked in his eyes they were full of pain it pained me I never saw him so scared. I tried to breath.
Damn Mea breath your embarrassing me god damn he will never love you after this say goodbye to the money and Derek. my mind was saying.

I looked at him again then everything went black and cold.

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